TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Oh man, I couldn’t imagine feeling like that while camping ! For that u just wanna be home in bed or on the couch cuz it sucks! Glad you are getting some much needed rain! Looks like scorched earth out there.


Trimming two plants on this rainy day, ran low on smoke. Code green :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@Emeraldgreen I’d ask for tramadol if they are wary of an opioid based pain medication outside the hospital. Hope they give you a comfy recliner when trimming begins.


No worries at all I know all too well how life goes. Funny thing, my old lady is a month past getting over a kidney infection so bad she had blood in her urine. Super happy to hear things are looking up though, I’m planning on the same for me though had a few set backs. Still aiming for OnTopOfTheWorld in everything I do though!


Oh man, I feel for her. The pain in my back was so bad it was insane! Had to take an ambulance to the hospital, the other day I had to ask if something was wrong as I still feel it at times, he said it can take 4-6 weeks after finishing antibiotics etc and that I likely have scar tissue it was so bad. Literally was like a weight off my shoulders hearing that as my anxiety was making me believe it was coming back or something else was wrong in there. The last two days have been bliss mentally :relieved:


My buddy has a big bottle of tramodal for his dog. I’ve been eating them. Bugs me out that they didn’t question morphine for the splint at all, but no painkillers at all to go home


Hope you get well quick and pain is manageable EG


Ya that’s ridiculous! This opioid thing has really fuct up our healthcare system! We went from doling them out for everything! To can’t get a pill unless you are dying! I’be lost faith in the Canadian Health Care System 100% truthfully I have :disappointed:


It’s really insane how many doctors just refuse to write painkillers scripts. Body doesn’t heal properly if it’s constantly tense from pain


Exactly! That’s exactly what I think is happening with me, I laid here tense AF for like 8-9 days freaking out cuz I had these weird feelings internally plus pain that would come in flashes and sometimes linger for 3-4 minutes before subsiding…. I feel like we are losing the “personal” part of medicine, hell it may be lost already, they just don’t give a shit, think everyone’s a junkie and just wanna get you out the door, not to mention (here at least) you have 4.5-7.5 hr ER room wait times, 4-6 hour walk in clinic wait times! It’s insane, and they don’t have time to truly evaluate cuz they are lined up out the door :man_facepalming:t2:


That’s the truth. Insurance company is who is driving the care you get. They decide what procedure are done and it’s all based on cost


Its a sad state of affairs. Insurance dictating procedures and medication based on income basically, If you have a shit plan you get bare minimum. Even with a good plan it’s still not a guarantee.

I always think about how they are still “practicing medicine”. At what point do they go from playing pin the tail on the symptom to actually start healing or preventing?


Aaaaamen brotha :pray:t3:

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Preventative is the key word, we need to make medicine (not a business) it’s the only way I see anything getting fixed, privatized health care has fuct things up good too


It changes so fast this close to the ocean. The Rock has its own weather. I used to follow the weather close, between surfing and fishing commercially. Now I mostly just try and enjoy it.

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I hear that…. Weather was my life for a looooong time, still is somewhat but not detrimental anymore

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The big outdoor choppers were always twitchy this time of year.

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That was me for 11 years, plus I’d be getting the tent ready now, usually spent October in a tent or under the stars depending on weather and which plots we used that year. Do not miss those days! Waking up to some dickheads machetiing my babies! Lick off a shot into the air , usually they scatter never to return, except twice! I’ll save those tales for a later date :wink:


Good morning fam. They are weening me off of my BP IV drip right now to oral medication with plans to send me home today.

In other news my plants are surely dead. My old lady has been going back and forth to turn the lights on and off. Yesterday she said all of the buckets had water in them and the control bucket was dry sucking. Sounds like a clog to me. She said that’s above her pay grade. I told her fuck them plants but thanks for caring. Lol.

Hope to be typing to y’all from the comfort of my bed later this afternoon and also thanks for all the well wishes. It really does mean a lot.


It changes so fast this close to the ocean.

Is that what they’re telling people now? That’s like your girlfriend telling you a dry HJ will be “just as good” :laughing: