TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Very glad to hear this , you had me freaked out yesterday bro, for real. Those numbers were nuts! I can only imagine how much you are looking forward to HOME :relieved: screw the plants, your health is paramount and as you know youā€™ve got friends who have your back and can gladly get you going again QUICKLY. thanks for the update and as far as the well wishes etc. OF COURSEā€¦ā€¦ I love knowing thereā€™s a group of caring individuals thinking of me and praying for me in my time of need and Iā€™ll always do the same for others. Itā€™s amazing the impact a little faith/friendship can have on a hard time or health issues. Bless :pray:t3:


Yup, f*ck the plants. If I get a harvest off mine, youā€™ll have a bag from me & Iā€™m sure lots of other people in VA will do the same. Youā€™re all good man, no worries :100: :+1:


Morning all well afternoon to some of you. Why are you in the hospital I missed it or forgot. Sucks about the plants at least you should be heading home soon :+1:.

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More than anything, I canā€™t wait to see what this bill looks like! Ive already got 3 wheel chair rides and an ambulance transport. :joy:


You lucked out brother. That high of BP could of gone bad real fast. Take it as a sign.


Iā€™ve had an ambulance ride once, cost around $7 grand. Iā€™m willing to bet your will total around the same. Unless you live in a decent first world country with universal healthcare then a LOT less. :rofl:


We have a yearly coverage like insurance. Fire Med. Fire and ambulance coverage in the county. Look into that. Good coverage if you can get it and need it.


I got sick and passed out once over there. 5 months letter a letter in the mail says I owe 26,000$ to the Buffalo hospital. No joke whatsoever! The breakdown was absolutely unreal!


Right. $26K! Blue monkeys fly out your ass on command too.

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Brother I could not believe it ! Was the day I realized how first of all (fuct the government is) and secondly how hard u guys have it over there. Like people are dying , but broke so whatā€¦., just lay there and die you canā€™t AFFORD help :man_facepalming:t2: :cry: :scream: shit is just WRONG!


Pretty much. Even if you can afford insurance itā€™s still not really good coverage


Itā€™s Absolutely insane to me. Archaic, mid evil , wrong


Isnā€™t capitalism great! Outa likes :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Same here !

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Ive finally reached the age of Government Health Insurance. Although I do have to buy a supplement. Damn im getting old

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Nice one @ShiskaberrySavior, not for the faint of heart. Hang in there Bud.

You know theres gonna be a show and tell now that you brought procedures-up. ā€œWell I had a ā€¦ ā€œ


Out of likes gents, at least they give you insurance once you age. Still crazy to me though, it really is. People probably end up owing and paying back for life like student loans and shit! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


No idea anymore. I should. Used to be a lot oif medically related bankruptcies.
Iā€™m a codger. Got the ā€œfreeā€ old folks coverage. But I pay a few $ monthly for supplemental coverage thatā€™s not too bad. My wife did her homework on this one. Got half decent dental too. Pretty grateful.

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Definitely blessed brother :facepunch:t2: Iā€™m very glad