TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

You and @Smooth have both suggested/endorsed this stuff, sending my wife a message in a minute (she runs a shoppers drug mart) (pharmacy/store chain )


She/you wont be disappointed.


This was fully me until very recently, now Iā€™m building my way up for sure! Already at a couple bottles a day at least


Get a SodaStream. Fizzy water goes down faster and better.

If I didnā€™t have one Iā€™d drink much less water.


Iā€™ve looked at them so many times over the years, I know the wife and my sons would love it for sure. I will not consume pop, but I love how you can make anything ! Even lemonade and shit


Iā€™ve found the flavour additions to be pretty good for the most part but I donā€™t use them anymore. Just straight water.


We have a well. Our water is so clean it almost tastes sweet.


@MoBilly the well water is what ruined me on tap water. Love well water, then moved closer to town and on city water and itā€™s just kinda gross.


My heart goes out to you @Hotrods_and_hounds . Truly. I canā€™t stand city water. I have a friend that lives close to town. She comes out with empty jugs and leaves with a weeks worth of drinking water.
You are right. Itā€™s some gross stuff. Even making your coffee extra strong canā€™t hide the taste.


Youā€™ll love this. There was a spring coming out of a rock cut in the road. The road being Hiway 1 thru Big Sur. Havenā€™t seen it in over 20 years. The spring is within a couple miles of where the Jade was found. Iā€™d fill a couple gallon jugs. I knew guys filled 5 gallon jugs.


Goog morning everyone.
I am new to OG, Iā€™ve had the pleasure of getting to know Topshelfrrees in another forum. Great guy!

Sorry to hear about the health issues, brother. Glad your feeling better.
Hope you and everyone have a stellar day.


My folks had a place in Lehigh Acres near Ft. Meyers pre-methhouse days in the 90ā€™s. Our backyard neighbour had a cough we could hear from inside our home. One night we didnā€™t hear it and hoped he got better or was in the hospital.

Turned out he did go to hospital, didnā€™t have insurance, got turned away, went back home and died coughing in his sleep leaving his 3 now traumatized rottweilers up for adoption. :sob: :sob: :sob:


I thought you could not be turned away from the hospital. Hippocratic Oath and all that. Learn something new every day.


This is what I thought too, but apparently in FLA at that time no insurance = no bed = go home. :man_shrugging: / :sob:

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The hospital probably did not turn him away, but must have told him itā€™s 18k to see a doctor. Guy turned around on his own


Goood morning everyboday :coffee: :sunglasses:


Holy shit how times have changed.
We were watching ā€œThe Birdsā€ the other night. I was amazed at how everyone was smoking cigarettes. Right there with the kids. In fact one scene took place in a bar type place they had kids in there eating. Right next to a cigarette machine. Not only that. A guy walks in and orders up a drink before hitting the road. Right in front of the sheriff. Time really have changed.


Stories from my father still blow my mind. Heres two quick ones.

As a young dumb 20 something, Late night drinking white line to white line (not condoning). Cops would stop, make him park the car and drive him home. No DUI given.

Also my grandfather giving him the keys at 14 to go to the store about 2 miles from where they lived for a couple packs of smoked for him.

Neither would happen now.


My ex-wife got injured and I took her to the hospital emergency room. The woman at the counter said she couldnā€™t be seen because she had no insurance.
Turns out if you threaten to throw their computer monitor through their nice big window, and do it loud enough to draw attention from the emergency doctor on duty, they change their minds. I was standing there carrying a woman going in and out of consciousness and they had the balls to tell me to take her somewhere else. I was not about to leave there without her being seen. The attending physician came out and saw her, yelled some choice words at the receptionist and waved me in.


Iā€™m 34 and I remember the days you could smoke at the mall, on public transport etc
As a kid both my parents smoked, a cartoon on a 10hrs drive and if I complained, my dad would tell me heā€™d roll down a window.

He stopped smoking 10 years ago, so when I burn one heā€™s like boohoo it stinks, so I step on his oxygen lines and open a window :wink: