TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Me and my dad were talking about exactly this! He was like “remember when we went to Watertown to be on Rod & Reel ?” “How could I forget” “we got like 20 tacos/burritos for ten bucks and you made yourself sick stuffing your face” “lmao yup but I was still up a 4:15 am to make it for the taping/show” now 10$ gets you a meal if you are lucky :man_facepalming:t2:


I’ll never forget that as long as I live! At 12 years old to be on an episode of my favourite fishing show with my dad! My stomach ached all day though!


Good morning everyone! I think they finally figured me out!


Awesome news! @Indicana_Jones You get the green light to head home, i bet you are dying to sleep in your own bed, lay on the couch etc. hospitals have me nerves on overdrive non stop

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Their goal was to get me out of here at 160/90


In 77 we had ashtrays in the boys johns in high school. lol


Of course I’m out of likes for an hour :man_facepalming:t2: awesome news! Love the pic too! Definitely look pumped to gtfo dodge! Real happy to hear this, stoked in fact. Definitely got ya fixed up! Much respect brother


Haha no shit!? That I can say was never allowed (although it became WHERE we’d smoke/blaze during school hours) that’s awesome. Never knew that was a thing that’s for sure


The last wine cooler I had was in 1988 Bartles & James. I was a greenskeeper/clubbie at Civic stadium Eugene Emeralds Baseball. Kansas City Royals farm club. I grew up working for that minor league ball club 85-90 age 16-21. :baseball:

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Fuck Ya!!! Hands off the candy stripers


Awesome! My cousin has worked at Dunedin for over 20 years now (Florida/jays farm team) that must have been a cool experience for sure, he loved it so much he’s still there lol. Was a volunteer to start no joke


I started there when was 16 $3.35 hr. 1985 North Eugene football coach got me the job. 5 years I worked there. Greenskeeper, batboy, got to be clubbie in 88. Grew up in that ballpark 85-90. 16-21 years old. Twenty-one I started pulling planer chain. :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: Some of the best teenage/young adult memories growing up in that ballpark. :100:
Some teenagers burnt it down in 2015 :cry:


I’ve been to that ball park in Dunedin when I worked and lived in the Tampa Bay area. 2001-2008. They love their baseball in FL. :baseball:


No shit, burned it down huh? Pricks! That’s very cool, sounds like u feel like Chris does exactly! I would have loved it! And they definitely do love baseball in Florida. My aunt actually bought a condo down the street about ten years ago so she can watch them anytime they are playing/practicing. She’s the authority on the Jays around here, knows every player farm and majors, every coach. It’s crazy lol I’m a die hard she’s a DIE HARDEST! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Great memories. Had the job every teenage boy in town wanted. Good times. :100: North Eugene Football coach got me the job. So I played ball.

Tight end, Defensive end.
Jezuz I’m getting all nostalgic again.


Nice, very cool bro! I love it The one sport I never played! Over here back then at least there was no football, no joke. No pay programs, no school football it’s nuts to think about it. That’s why hockey /baseball became my sports of choice but I loved basketball and volleyball too! ( I could dunk at 15 and was literally the only one who could in our entire league of 8 schools so I was pretty obsessed with that too) sports were my entire life until I truly fell in love with weed and started selling dope :man_facepalming:t2: GOD I WAS DUMB!


Haha it’s good to get like that once in a while, reliving the past is always emotional though. I know this all too well


I was a stoner and jock. Didn’t work out the jock part. :rofl: I had un-diagnosed combined type ADHD. I was like a car lost in traffic when the play started. I lettered though. Got to play at Autzen.


Same, exact same…. Dumb asses we are :man_facepalming:t2:

Hey I got likes again! Woohoo