TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

It must’ve been the 80s with those wicked shoulder pads.



All the chics had hair teased up to the moon and liked it in the ass. :rofl: Had to love the 80’s.


No doubt! The plastic pad days! My hockey equipment was like an extra 40 lbs, now it’s like 4-5 !


Yeah, they didn’t give a fuck about our noggins back then.

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That’s for sure! My hockey helmets were useless in the beginning other than for giving you a headache, you could bend/fold them easily, now they have legit airbags and shit! Even when I was coaching my son through atom, pewee etc. it was crazy watching the new technology come out every year! (Also made me feel better about him going into full contact back then) GOD I MISS COACHING! Such a rewarding experience! My assistants, trainers, goalie coaches always loved me as a coach too! I was voted best coach 7x and the kids I’ve coached will often still call me coach when I see them out and about, ALWAYS puts a huge smile on my face, ALWAYS


That’s great brother. I love my daughter. I only had a girl though. She didn’t play sports… :cry: Bookworm better on the joints. My knees this time in life. I’m glad she didn’t play sports. :100:


Thats CAF.

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Good afternoon guys. Excited for the heat coming my way from several sources :slight_smile:


No doubt! Thanks bro :facepunch:t2:

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I see this as a blessing for sure. Except when she starts dating …. That’s when stuff gets a little scary imo


She will be 29 in march. I made it though without going to prison.


Oh man! I bet you are! I’d be camping out by the mail box 100% this upcoming year is gonna be absolutely epic ! I guarantee it.

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I read online, I hope this doesn’t seem too jarring or abrupt, but that many women find the violent angry reaction of men very disruptive and hard to deal with, when they tell their fathers or loved ones that they were hurt or taken advantage of. The response on the man’s part is to act if they were themselves hurt, and immediately threaten to lash out violently towards the perperator. The victim (the woman) then now has to de-escalate the situation despite being the person who was hurt.


Oh shit, my bad. And thank God for that. I’ve always wondered how I’d be in that scenario, just be glad it was then rather than now brother. Nowadays I can only imagine how anxious I’d be 24/7 with a girl, hell I’m still anxious a lot with my adult boys!! For real


Totally makes sense, sad but true. But I wouldn’t know how to react any other way to that. Other than teaching myself otherwise. This makes me think of how I’m trying to change my outlook and reactions to so much lately, I can’t live anxious 24/7 and need to learn not to snap and start swinging (always been an issue since 10-11 yo) or just be such an asshole . And it’s an absolute struggle EVERY SINGLE DAY! I actually am going to grab a 1:1 or even 1:2 THC/CBD variety and grow it out to see the difference it will make, I’ve always steered away but it’s time to turn the wheel and head straight for it now I think.


Very true my friend but the fact you know you need to fight to stay on the right path shows a lot of heart character and strength.

Some people might act as though it’s simple to do the right thing and not be negative or the asshole, like what’s your problem everyone else seems fine…

It’s easy to point the finger but much harder to look in the mirror and admit our own wrongs and shortcomings.


Thank you bro :facepunch:t2: much appreciated


It is an absolute struggle. I have taught myself to redirect myself from negative thoughts to helpful ones. Here are some resources I found incredibly helpful:

Feeling Good: a book that is clinically proven to treat depression. I find it helpful because it outlines cognitive distortions, which people dont always know about, in very clear ways, and explains cognitive behaviour therapy, which I kind of described above. PDF link.

In general I’ve struggled but continued to tell myself that while I have to look out for myself, set boundaries, and tell people how I feel, I have to do this in a respectful and healthy way because to do otherwise is to do things that I am not proud of that will hurt my relationships that I care about long-term. I still struggle to maintain relationships with people but I am proud that I lash out personally much less frequently. I work hard on not labelling people or name calling, which my mom did a huge favor emphasizing to me as I was growing up. Overall, I just want to sleep at night without thinking of things that I don’t feel proud of.


Amen brother, appears we had similar issues from our parents, and that’s exactly how I wanna feel, good about myself, my interactions daily. I can with complete honesty say you’ve been a real good friend to me, honest, kind, helpful and generous. And it means a lot as I feel like for the first time in a little while I have a REAL solid group of REAL friends around me, who genuinely care about my mental/physical health and it’s such a great feeling, even lessens my anxiety. As I said before to you I really think we can benefit each other simply by looking out and reminding each other when we are headed or went down the wrong road. Honestly I think it’s what I was missing for a while. Rather than leaches and people just lingering for what I have, who I know or what I have access to I have people who care, TRULY CARE and I can’t say enough how much this change/alteration has affected me for the good just in the last month or so. I appreciate your friendship, help and advice sooo very much :pray:t3:


Oh shit was that the seeds I was supposed to send? Dang tazmanian pink or Turkish red poppie seeds which was it? :rofl::rofl:
That’s awesome @TopShelfTrees1 away we go! Don’t you live in Ontario same as pigeonman? I sent him seeds 3 days apart but you both got on same JENNY KUSH is in the HOUSE!:exploding_head: