Couple hundred things more like it…. Exactly why I say good friends definitely help. If it wasn’t for amazing friends I’d be screwed right now, and that’s absolutely no joke. I have met some of the best people I’ve EVER come across here on OG and elsewhere. And I consider myself blessed EVERY SINGLE day lately, I’ve had my eyes opened to true selflessness, caring and friendship and it’s been extremely humbling and invigorating/inspiring at the same time. I TRY and give back as much as I get but you guys don’t make it easy sometimes! Got the utmost love and respect for my fam here, and I’ll take that with me to my grave. Been touched here so many times I’ve lost count. And I can’t thank any of you enough for everything big or small
I don’t know what chakalaka flavour is but I want to eat it.
Morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day! I got really stoned last night and watched a weed documentary on YouTube really cool info stating that sativa weed goes back a long time. I’ll post the link for anyone interested in a short video to start their morning
Had a buddy stop by to check on me yesterday. Brought me some Somas and some Grapefruit his kid grew. My buddy has health issues so clean weed is essential. I’ll smoke his. He’ll smoke mine. He texted later wanted to trade. The missus had sampled and said nope.
I sampled this morning. To be fair, it’s decent, tastes good, short lived buzz. He got some @JAWS Trainwreck Meds. “Since you won’t trade,canI buy some?” Normally I’d give him some. Might be partly shut down for a few, can’t runout. Shit. I can’t get low or I’ll stress more. Let’s avoid that one.
Today’s MD appt will be telling. Hoping someone has a plan to share how they’ll improve my current state. “Progress, not perfection”. Anybody else seen that on the wall by a BIG coffee pot, in a room where everyone smokes outside?
Haha I know that feeling, I’m always let down by random peoples stuff. Although I’ve gotten killer from guys here several times. I hate saying no but…. Not trying to amass crap I won’t blaze
Hope all is well at the appointment today and you get the news you wanna hear brother
This always shocks me. I usually am not so happy with my flower. I always feel it can be better. Then I’ll get some from friends and it’s not as good most of the time.
Lmfao it’s like chili but not the same. Lets just say they have some unique stuff
It’s some real tasty, organic outdoor. But it’s daytime weed. That I don’t really need. Daytime to me is just pleasant buzz stuff. I’d like a nice oldschool Sativa or 2 in my stash. I’d bet $ I’d find that in Antenna Seeds. Did I send some Antennas to you @Jaw’s? I don’t write much down, what I do I loose.
This is funny. I sent some seeds out a few month’s back. Kept what I wanted in #d little bags. Sent the original packaging so who I sent them to got good info. I finally found my cheat sheet with #s and descriptions last night about 3am. Been looking for 6 weeks or so. Almost all Tony Green’s stuff. He’s generous with the packed tubes, so it’s easy to share.
Besides…I like how giving stuff away makes me feel.
Same, love making peoples day/week ! It’s addictive too! I’m trying to get all of Tony’s stuff I can, love his work too. The breeders I absolutely love and stand by have taken presidence lately and I realized I’m not going to seek obscure things etc. so much anymore but try and ensure I have an abundance of breeders I love stuff to ensure I can grow it all for another 20+ years easily. I slept on Tony’s stuff for a while, missed the RIL . That one’s still bugs me cuz I love gg4 but still have not tried his sadly, I missed the sour bubble stuff and all the offshoots, missed bubble head, most of the sour stuff etc. Now I wanna get anything I can when I have an opportunity. But top of my list are RIL, SB and I really want the karma collabs .
Why thank you @TopShelfTrees1. There’s no question some form of intervention is involved. What, is the question. As the missus tells anyone who will listen, like it or not, “the current situation is untenable. It’s up to you folks to come up with a plan to give him some hope. He needs some.” That day it was pointing to me just buckled on the exam table. She’s quite firm. Polite. Not about to be put off. Or interrupted as I’m often beyond the ability to communicate at all.
I am very grateful to have a no bullshit, fiery Irish Redhead in my corner. “Don’t turn your back on me while I’m still speaking.” Medical “professionals” are not used to being spoken to like that. I am. Oops.
I’ll send you my whole Tony Green list once this next order comes in man, we can make an epic trade and I can test out my 3d printer. I have some unreleased stuff of his as well.
Haha Jan is a gem brother that’s no question and I look forward to the day I can meet her face to face and thank her for all she does, no joke. We are both blessed to have true angels by our side and I know if not be here today without mine many times over. I’ve seen time and time again how we truly are soulmates, and she makes EVERYTHING that much better every single day. We’ve been together since we were kids ourselves and I still feel the same well over two decades later. That’s a rarity anymore and I’m so glad we met the day we did, as no joke it was love at first sight, crazy but true. The ups, downs and all my BS and chaotic lifestyle she’s never so much as flinched…. The absolute epitome of ride or die . My best friend in the entire world too, 10x over.
You are the absolute best! I’m sooooo down for that. Thank you again, putting big smiles in my face today! And I absolutely love it!
Everybody wins!
Exactly and that’s the best outcome anyone can expect! God I love this place and all of you. Every day I see the bar raised here, it’s truly heartwarming
It’s a great spot. Wish I found it sooner.
I wish I came out of the dark sooner, I lurked for so many years and my mentor was adamant that coming out of the dark into public eye would be my biggest regret ever! boy was he wrong, still trying to get him over here, his brother too but these guys are old school, underground, Canadian cannabis legends and I also get their point of view from the outlaw days just wish I could make them see my light
Sailin’ away on the crest of a wave, it’s like magic
It’s a livin’ thing
It’s a terrible thing to lose
It’s a givin’ thing
What a terrible thing to lose
Yezzir! Awesome