Trae's Tent farm

What’s up everyone, friends and strangers. Decided to make a new thread this run. Since we are trying to sell our house my wife asked that I please don’t do any larger runs In the garage until we sell. So I’m having to scale it back to the 4x2 cloudlab fan from ac infinity. Got the hlg 660 r spec in there along with the cloudline t6 fan for air exchange, and a t4 for fresh air in. With it going into winter and temps hitting freezing overnight, I’m using the big empty tent as a lung room with a small portable heater, pulling that warm air into the tent. If I were running my hps lamps I wouldn’t need it but I’m trying to run as minimal as possible.

This runs genetics will be Fried Strawberries by bloom seed co (fems). I’m only running 3 of them in 2 gal pots and using a trellis to Scrog it out and fill it up. With the big lamp in there I should pull some weight.

The environment

2 gal Square containers with royal gold tupar
Mad farmer Cal mag
Botanicare pro blend grow-bloom soil mix
Silica blastfoilar
Liquid karma
*microbial mass **1x bi weekly **(was a sample from grow shop, supposed to be better than mammoth p but we will see

Starting this journal in week 1 of flower

Feeding 2x daily at 1.7 ec (they seem to like it here)

Just a few shots of their current progress. Have since removed humidifier and placed it in the lung room




Beautiful looking plants? Check

Cool Toy holding the watering rings? Check

Santa Baby socks? Check

This thread has all the things needed to be awesome. Bookmarked!


My Santa baby socks are a prized possession. Pin up girl on the sides

This runs gonna be fun. My last run of carmelita was pretty spectacular and gonna be hard to top, but I’m up for the challenge. Thanks for following along my friend


How you like the flora flex parts? I’m bout to use them on my next run


love em. just added my drip irrigation system. and i would always have dry spots in my coco here and there, so to prevent that I went to a 2 gal square pot and added the 9" caps floraflex makes. no dry spots in my coco, even water distribution so I’m not wasting water by running the fertigation longer trying to hit my dry spots. Will be going to their net pots that go with the caps once i make sure our family finances are in order.


Awesome! So my one concern was using the flora caps and whether or not I could remove them when i transplant up. The slit is so thin seems like it might get stuck. Any issues with that?


they have some flex to em, i always waiting to put them on once i got them in their final pots… the plant in the middle i made my own cap matrix with some square plastic plates. cut a ring out in the middle enough to fit the future growth of the stalk, then the slit to the edge to open it up to put it on. before putting it on the pot i take a small drill bit and put holes all over, making sure to get the corners and along the sides especially, then put the first cover down and put a few spacers in, and then put the second plate on, and taped them down to the side of the pots. works just like the floraflex caps… maybe a lil better… ill take a pic of it shortly. might be what i do moving forward to save $


Sounds cool I’d like to see it. I’m gonna plant directly onto the 1 gallon 6” and just see what they look like once they get to where I would transplant and hopefully I can go from the 4” to to the 8” one gal next run.

Also if you don’t know, you can leave 3 reviews on their website and they’ll give you a $50 gift card. Definitely helped with buying all this. :v:

You can see it in these photos. Works better than the floraflexs honestly lol. And if I leave 3 floraflex reviews? Whuuuut? I’m on that


Finally toppings were done a couple days ago. Entering bloom now, gonna let em do their their the rest of the way. Nothing else until day 21 of flower.


Making the vertical climb now. No more defol or topping until day 21


oozing purp at every bend. Super funky smell already.




Glad I flipped early as the stretch is real with these gals. Just ended week 1. Wish I woulda put a couple more in with em to max the tent out with this big light. Still feeding at 1.8 ec, will be ramping the lamp up to 85% power at the start of week 3. Their feed will go up to 2.0 ec. Not gonna try to push em for max height, just want some short squatty potent frosty buds that I’m used to.

I noticed a few cracks and a couple fans had some discoloration. Not sure what’s up with that but seems to he going away. I think this batch of tupar is bad. My friend got the same tupar from the same shop and his has yellow mold slime. I noticed some algae blooming in the drip saucers. The plants are healthy and strong so I’m gonna ride it out. Next run will be back in canna coco


Branching so thick I might not need 2 trellis layers.


Update, we got some bloom. The third plant is a slow bloomer but vigorous grower. I have had to pick a few set of nuts here and there. Not sure if it’s a shitty feminized deal or if they are just extremely horomonal and the liquid karma is setting em off. The branching is nice and thick, def wont need the trellis but gonna keep it around. With winter temps moving in I’ve been battling keeping temps up over night. Gonna be fun towards the end lol but will have idea drying and curing temps.


Plants are looking damn good :+1: always my favorite part when the buds start coming in.

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Same. Thanks , wish I woulda crammed in another 2 plants

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Baby buds everywhere! The third plant is finally starting to throw hair. Trichomes everywhere, wish I had a better camera. I’m hopefully optimistic I can frost these like I did the carmelita. Heavy carb load


No filters, healthy plants. Hate battling night time temps on cold days lol. Got the big tent working as a lung room with a heater and humidifier. The 6inch ac infinity is pulling hot air into the small tent. I have a second 4" ac infinity outside the lung room for when I need cool air. And a 6" exhaust up top to clear the tents air if needed