Unpopular opinion thread

I got a condom that said “ribbed for her pleasure.” So I said fuck that I’m wearing it inside out, for me.


Find a female surgeon…although it can become a dickectomy if she can’t be trusted.

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Although I trust a female doctor more with my butthole, somehow the lack of hands on experience makes me distrust a female doctor with my nutsack and a scalpel.

I would like that post but the thought makes my balls get phantom pains so you’re not getting a like out of me.

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“Men are pigs” XD

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Yes that is a pretty accurate representation of how it went.


My anethetist was reluctant to tell me the drug mix they gave me for the V, probably didn’t want me making a homebrew date rape drug. Shit was wild, they coulda talked me into ANYTHING after shooting me up.

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Wait what, women are experts on handling my jewels, Now I’ thinking the male surgeon was extremely gay, like my urologist…

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I asked the 2 attending nurses at my colonoscapy 2 things “what the weirdest thing you’ve found?” and “Doesn’t this ruin sex for you//” At least I was laughing…

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I said “so THERE are my car keys.”

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The car horn beeping every time you farted would’ve been a clue? LOL

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New meaning to the car dash display “check your rear seat for passengers” OMG


I can usually tell if they’re in there.


So for T.O. dwellers…whats this about putting the science center and a huge Rub & Tug in Ontario Place? Bring back the huge heavy bag kids punching arena, toughen these little pussies up again.

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Wouldn’t do well on a ship going much faster, but at least they didn’t need batteries. Maybe we should slow down…?


Ahem…Cough, cough,…a tough pussy is hard to beat.




Because “grow some balls” is a challenge to your masculinity, or at least they think it is.

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Whoever decided commercials get to be 50% louder than the show should be violently executed.


why is the ketchup bottle INVISIBLE the first 2 times I look for it??