Unpopular opinion thread

hahaha that’s a good one. How do people that leave said nails grow, manage to work in mechanic and labor/manufacturing jobs and not have them break and tear off. Amazes me they have any nails at all

If I became a dictator tomorrow that’s honestly first order of business.

Watching a show of characters whispering in a dark room with the volume way up then BAM targeted ad of window replacement at jet engine decibel levels. Fuck.

Seriously. Offenders drawn and quartered. I can probably get bipartisan support even.

Unpopular opinion I will die on a hill for and I’ve assuredly mentioned it before: bloody marys are just vodka and tomato soup and its disgusting anyone likes it. If you drink v8 I assume you’re a psychopath. Also dry martinis are just cold booze and not a cocktail and you’re wrong for it. Mexican food is my favorite cuisine on earth but the weak spot is soups. Menudo tastes like fresh cut grass and death.

I could go on and on and on.


I clip mine every 4-5 days and I go like 1/64th inch off the nail bed. How some men have claws is beyond me and I judge it harshly. They’ll get burrs that catch on fabric and drive you nuts or like you said bend back and hurt like a motherfucker otherwise. Or also like you said split and go farther than the nail bed and hurt something awful. Or just collect dirt and grime.

Shit just grosses me out on top of it, visceral reaction.


I’ll vote for you but I’d need to know more about your platform.

Tomato juice - I drink on planes. Only on planes I’m not sure why. Maybe because it’s mucousy and counteracts the dry air. It’s usually reconstituted tomato paste because that’s the cheapest way to make it. Yum.

I have to admit I’d usually let my thumb and index finger nails grow a touch longer than the rest in the spring…it’s how I pinched the tops off my plants. Then it was back to normal. But they never were “long.”

Oh and Bloody Marys are lame. Bloody Caesars on the other hand are glorious! Best day after beverage.


I can’t handle long fingernails. Mrs Foreigner will say “you have such beautiful fingernails” and then I will go cut them down to the quick. Hate them. I cut myself with them.

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You should just glue bread clips on your fingers and get it over with!



Halloween costume: bread man of doom. I think I will put a plastic bag over my head to complete the ensemble.

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Other people can have fingernails. That’s fine. Just not me.

When I get manicures they are exclusively cartoon characters though.

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Mrs Foreigner makes them with gin and they are called a red dragon or something. Extra celery salt. I don’t drink so I’m pretty indifferent about it.

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I don’t drink anywhere near as much as I used to, but still like the odd Caesar. It’s funny it never caught on in the states, or maybe it has by now.

I remember being in a bar in NYC and ordering a Bloody Caesar. The bartender asks whats in it. I said vodka and clamato. He says, of course, Bloody Mary is vodka and tomato, what’s clamato? (they sell it in every grocery store there …Motts Clamato…it’s MADE in the US) So I say clamato is tomato and clam juice, so he yells out “This guy from Canada wants vodka and clam juice!”

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Canadians drink the weirdest things. Crustacean excretions.

I’ll have a geoduck latte.

I used up all my drink tickets in life.

One time in Dallas I ordered a Gibson and got gin on the rocks with an onion in it. Also a flight of 10 beers for $10 during happy hour in DC. Those govt employees do not fuck around.

I remember a bar in Daytona called The Texan that was 7 bucks to get in…all you could drink!


In Texas they have these things called icehouses which are like roadside beer stands. It was some sneaky way to get around prohibition that I don’t understand but the tradition remains anyway.

I would like a Shiner Bock though even if I can’t have it.

It’s weird - the idea of going to an all inclusive resort: not appealing without booze.

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Only been to Texas once for a 4 day weekend.

Not a fan of the all-inclusive, though I have stayed at a few. Prefer smaller hotels that force you to see the country and meet locals.

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Texas is awesome.

Yes agreed but those are two very different trips and my desires can’t always be accommodated. Family vacations are all inclusive for example. I always struggle tying to figure out what to do and the resorts are all prey animals for vendors so I just end up annoyed.

But I’m going to Barbados in December and I think we’re renting a place which will be nice for me.

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i see the problem here if you’re letting some random dude cut into your ballsack. they have doctors that do that in wv.

Think I’ll just skip over to another thread…

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Lol…I can second that…I got scares on my stomach from airborne fat globuals…:smiley:

Also got these scares on my left bicep I can’t explain… actually I can explain them…:thinking::wink:
