Unpopular opinion thread

Anyone who has ever seen a “gooey-duck” clam would never eat clams again. Ever. Unless that’s the way you roll. Hehe.

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I’m looking for one that looks most like a dick do you have something like that?


Nope. I was afraid to keep pictures like that. I’m happily married you know. Haha.
Google pics is your friend.

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No way I’ll end up on some list.

Bloody May’s are one of the best Sunday morning “hair of the dog that bit me” drinks. It’s the celery stick. Now martini’s are another story altogether. The vermouth adds a feint taste of dust - BUT- I have perfected mine with 2 olives and an onion which somehow make it all palatable as an energy drink with the amazing effect of loquaciousness. But those inverted pyramidal glasses are silly and top heavy. Vodka martini’s are disgusting.


Bloody Caesars may be the national drink of Canada, but IMO a waste of clam juice… Plus vodka tastes like paint thinner. Guess I’m just a traditionalist at times.

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If you add starbursts to vodka and then skim off the particulate that floats to the top, the “paint thinner” taste disappears amd you are left with mildly starburst flavored ethenol…:grin: Just make sure to skim off all the particulate or put it threw a coffee filter :wink:!!!


Gin all the way. Vodka is wrong lol.

I do mine with a splash of olive brine and about 3 parts gin to 1 part dry vermouth. I like kalamata brine because it makes the drink faintly purple but any will do.

I also always do on the rocks in a rocks glass. The martini glass is the dumbest drinkware imaginable. Super hard to hold onto when you’re drunk. And if you like martinis, you will be.


Olive brine…hmmmm…I will definitely have to try it. I do martini’s in the summer. In the cold moths I do rum or bourbon mixed with various ingredients which could be: Licorice tea, soy milk, chocolate, honey. But the martini is clean, straightforward and refreshing. I need toi get somenew glasses as we lost most in the earthquake.

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Thoughts on Mexican candy? I find most of it absolutely disgusting and don’t know how their food is so good and candy so vile. Spicy tamarind flavored candy? No thanks I’ll stick to sour patch kids.


Mexican soda is the best on earth though.

Some time ago I saw a documentation about coca cola in equador or some country down there. The coke tastes better because they use real sugar cane there and the annually avarage consume by the people was more than water… I need to find it, was kind of funny though

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Yes that’s exactly right and I don’t know what they do to their cola but it is by far the best cola.

I think it’s called…jarritos

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Yeah not big on their candy either. Here’s some gummy worms (lombrices) covered in sticky syrup and chili powder. Enjoy, kiddos haha. Then again our candy kinda sucks too. Europe wins the cuisine candy contest hands down.

That inca kola soda they got down there is super weird too. Tastes like Irn-Bru…bubblegummy.


I had some recently and I’m pretty sure it’s cream soda.

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New rant: stop calling it “the six” or T dot For that matter. It’s called Toronto I don’t care what drake says.


Maybe cocaine is still dropped in, probably they haven’t gotten the news yet :laughing:

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Lately our liquor stores carry American sodas, like barrs cream soda and much more. I tried them almost all but that shit is not drinkable, not one. It is sooo damn sweet. Some of them could taste very good if there wasn’t so much stuff in it. It’s like sugar, aspartame, corn syrup or glucose-fructose-syrup and so on,all at ones. Why?!


Many American treats are this way. Too sweet for my palate.

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There are three things you never ask a lady: her weight, her age, and if she’s packin!

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