Unpopular opinion thread

“It looks like your pregnancy is going well”

Bad assumptions :joy:


Europe may have the chocolate game on lock and I admit I’m a bit uninformed on the European candy scene but I do think the US has a stranglehold on the sour candy sector.


I have a bag of citric acid powder under my sink. I am the sour king!


I need to use some of that to make sour gummies.

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I’d offer to send you some but I’m not shipping strange white powder through customs :joy:

It’s a pretty big bag.

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Thank god for Amazon. I can buy all the strange white powder I want.

Yea that’s probably where it came from in the first place :+1:

I would add Indian candy to the “great food terrible sweets” category my god

I swear I’ve permanently scarred my tongue with years of sour candy addiction.

It started when I was young. Lemonheads, Alexander the Grapes, and Johnny Apple Treats got me into the sour scene. I later graduated to the giant Lemonheads but not before I was introduced to Sour Patch Kids in the mid-late 80s. I still remember seeing them for the first time. They were in a big jar for a penny a piece and we had to use little tongs to get them out of the jar.

Shit got real in the early 90s with Tear Jerkers, Cry Babies, and Warheads. And Shocktarts (later renamed Shockers) got the salivary glands pumping. Then you had Starburst, Mamba, and Skittles come out with sour variations. Those sour Skittles ain’t no joke. They should come with a warning label.


What’s a penny?

Haha you’re old.

It’s ok, so am I. Penny candy was my first drug.


…andddd ah wayyy we go


That’s funny because I grow partially to avoid paying taxes :joy:


Can u picture that… Wow. Paying with herb lol…

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I question the value of putting $1000 stereo in a $3000 car.


.:joy:.:rofl:.almost as good as 5000 rims on a 800 car. Or a 10.000 paint on a 3000 car… Some people

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Cream soda! What do they do to make it “creamy?”


You know!!!


It’s just vanilla flavoured. I have no idea why they call it cream. Vanilla ice cream? I dunno.

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Agree… The all-American diet mainly consists of Sugar, Fat, Starch - with a little sugar on top. Europe confections use more cream and a little less sugar (I think) I make my go-to-sleep cookies with half the sugar (brown sugar) from the recipe on the back of the chocolate truffle morsels and they come out just about right.

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Sugar affects me negatively. I peak hard and crash hard. I will make exceptions but for the most part I don’t eat sugar.

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