Unpopular opinion thread

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Because thereā€™s no wrong time to rock :sunglasses: :metal:

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Google to the rescue! (Youā€™re on target.) " It gets its cream flavor from vanilla extract, but there are stories of how it was made many years ago using cream, and instead of being carbonated baking soda was used to make it fizzy."


-Foreigner checks to see if heā€™s got baking soda-

Had to look this up. Baking soda is different from baking powder! Soda is sodium bicarbonate. The powder is Baking soda plus cream of tartar. Iā€™m not looking up tatar! Now I might have to put some of that in my partnerā€™s Dr. Pepper. HA!

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OG wiki signups are a terrible process.
The headaches I see happening all the timeā€¦
The know it alls posting rules and whining about it in the thread and acting passive aggressively like they get a treat people like dirt pass cuz they think they are helping.
Donā€™t use ā€œweā€™ve done it this way foreverā€ because thatā€™s denial and youā€™re unable to keep up being stuck in the past.
I also donā€™t need an idea to fix it to say it sucks.


People who put the toilet paper roll on the wrong way around should be forced into a 12 week inpatient remedial program.


I donā€™t even bother putting mine on the roll anymore. I wipe until I donā€™t see anything!!!


Way way too much info there @ColeLennon


Going into the hot tub is the same thing as swimming. Try telling that to Mrs Foreigner :joy:

I have malic acid :smiling_imp:

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Mint does not belong in a cookie nor in chocolate.


Sorry, but that isnā€™t an unpopular opinionā€¦thatā€™s a fact!


It doesnā€™t belong in cigarettes, vape flavours, weed flavours or scented condoms either.

In fact, mint really only belongs in the woods, or in tea if my wife wants some.

And in toothpaste. But not too much. The average brand has about 20-fold the amount needed.

It also belongs in mojitosā€¦but I only drink those in Cuba.


Not the biggest mojito fan eitherā€¦ And mint tends to give me acid reflux when I have it in excess especially together with alcohol, too much sugar, or too much of a fatty dinner.

Those who say mint is good for digestion are full of it. And I donā€™t mean full of mint.

Iā€™m not a huge fan, but when in Rome as they say. Iā€™ve definitely drank 95% of all the mojitos in my life in Cuba.


Never been to Cuba, but if I ever did go there Iā€™d go for the fattest cigar I could find just to turn it into a blunt. You can say itā€™s raping a good cigar but I say itā€™s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Though I wouldnā€™t know how Iā€™d get good weed in Cuba, I suppose.

As far as drinks go, my bowels donā€™t agree but I like creamy drinks like Baileyā€™s and Amarula, and good gin with some good tonic and botanicals.

That or cider. Home made usually because store bought is too sweet here and I hate drinking lemonade-like ciders.

I have a few recipes tried now, and Iā€™m in the process of developing a recipe for a cider that makes GBL in the fermentation. Wine has small amounts of GBL too which makes it such a ā€œhappy and socialā€ drink, but in the cider I ramp up production somewhat towards a drink that has average joe nodding out after half a quart. Itā€™s good stuff and you donā€™t even taste the GBL in there, but itā€™s not as easy as regular cider brewing because it requires some math and looking for the right yeasts in order to get to the right flavours and right amounts of GBL production. Iā€™ve gotten there in terms of both flavour and strength, but the best tasting beverage wasnā€™t there in strength so Iā€™ve yet to work the recipe over again.


I used to make apfelwein and it was delicious dry and cheap. Itā€™s an acquired taste though.


Oh Iā€™d be quick to acquire that taste probably. Gotta use some apples that arenā€™t right for eating, theyā€™re a great addition or even base for ciders and wines. Too sour or wry is great for fermented apple drinks.

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