Unpopular opinion thread

I had a mexi bagseed in the late 90’s that grew into long dense compact red hair buds. It had a sweet cinnamon draw on an unlit joint like Big Red gum. Be nice to have something like that again. There’s a thread on here that mentions Mexican Melon having cinnamon notes.


My wife would probably like that lol

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Mint was born to be in gumimage

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Crusty boogers should be called nosepickles.

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I know this is like two weeks old, but yeah… There’s only two types of people in the world: people that put the toilet paper on the holder right, and assholes.

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I have been consistently and mostly silently correcting my wife throughout our entire relatonshiop on that matter. I have found it more productive and easier to just switch it around every time a roll has been replaced, and she is at peace with finding it the right way around the next time she returns to the bathroom.

Peace is picking your battles.


Hahaaahaaahaaaaaaa! :sunglasses:

Or DingleSnots.


Butt was gum meant to be in buttholes?

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Anyone that worries about the toilet paper roll going a certain way. Next time you’re in the bathroom look between you’re legs for a slit. “grammar is so important when dissing peeps.” :rofl:

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It’s spelled you’re.

On that topic, if your and you’re were made equals in school, there’d be way less kids failing their native language class.

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I read DingDongs

I put mine unrolling from the back. That may my cat won’t be able to sit there and unroll the entire thing on the floor. The little bastid.


Wee Wee :upside_down_face:

If your cat unrolls your toilet paper, tie a rubber band around it just to annoy it.

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That’s an awful lot of work. I would rather touch up on my grammar.

Metric certainly makes more sense, but it can be difficult to do the conversions in your head on the fly.

whatever you’re into…

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Certainly won’t prevent a cavity in there though :laughing:

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The toilet paper roll goes on the edge of the tub. I’ll also accept back of the toirlet.