Unpopular opinion thread

Also spiral bound notebooks are a huge pain in the ass because the binding gets in my way.

Unpopular opinion: all recycled products contain 2% breadcrumbs and 3% spoiled milk.


Chocolate milk is just recycled milk.


I was bullied by a kid with no left hand. Life is strange.


I got a lift to an old Neighbour’s Funeral with an elderly gent and his wife whom I didn’t know well.

The Church exited onto a Dual Carriageway- I was in the back seat, and to my horror, the old boy {Eighties} turned sharp right and was driving fast down the wrong lane into the path of oncoming traffic.

His missus hadn’t noticed, either, til I said ''You are on the wrong side

He did a U turn despite blaring horns.

His excuse ? ‘‘We live in the Country’’… Likely cognitive decline.

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Recently have talked to a few people that started growing within the last 5 years, picked up a few cool packs from respected breeders and have now begun their career as a breeder by just crossing the best of older more established companies/breeders stables and claim to be part of a new wave of “real breeders”. Especially as we at og know how easy it is to make some seeds and be active online.

The need for regular people to become a name and gain hype and clout and whatever term people are currently using seems so completely fake and pointless. Buying a bunch of Bodhi and CSI crosses and then crossing them into whatever does not make you a breeder, it makes you a seed maker with a eye on what’s hot.

There are of course many many small scale breeders doing their own things out there. but I just can’t understand why someone makes a few crosses and all of a sudden is a breeder that is going to change the game. It seems so childish, like hearing an album and going out to the gargage, picking up an instrument and learning to play mary had a little lamb and saying, I am a prodigy. How the fuck could you possibly believe that after you look around?


I think it has more to do with the need for cash.


I just do not think that many of these companies do much in their sales outside of their friend groups.

Would love to know how much business the different levels of companies do, but I get everyone is hiding that info for multiple reasons

And a good jab and left hook.

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This isn’t really new. I remember 25 years ago hearing the same thing about Nirvana. “They just take everyone’s best gear and cross it to an afghani they’re not a real breeder.”

But almost every bit of weed folklore starts with something like “I acquired the clone from Neville in a parking lot in 1963 blah blah.” It’s all someone else’s gear with a twist.

I agree that a lot of it is nonsense. If I want bohdi stock I’ll just buy it from Bohdi I really don’t need an intermediary.

And I prefer older stuff to some of the more modern. But that’s a matter of taste and to each their own.

Instagram makes it worse.



To many Poly-Hybrid strains these days.


There are great breeders doing great work with very interesting genetics. But there are also lots of fly by night guys just jamming shit together.


When you can get thousands of seeds off of one plant, you can sell them for $10 a pack and make a fortune. It’s money. The head swelling comes later when all the fan boys talk it up.

One of the biggest attractions of Overgrow to me is the ability to follow a grow from start to finish. Everything is out there for everyone to see.


Agreed. Invaluable. I’ve grown my share of coop seeds and I have nothing negative to say except for one and that’s just because I found the smell revolting.

Oh and one that was supposed to be skunky but wasn’t. Still good weed though.


It blows my mind when I see a newbie buy (expensive) seeds without doing any research on the breeder or looking for a grow log. Close up modified pics on insta is good enough I guess.

The time and power cost is so huge why someone wouldn’t take 10 min to search is beyond me.


It’s hard to know what you don’t know when you don’t know.

I get it. But it’s a weed thirst trap.


True enough. People must see the price tag and just equate it to quality.


Some people are sheep. Like those that would spend 500 for 3 snips. Baffling.


People can like what they like. Personally I’m not into the latest thing with wicked dense trichs but to each their own.


Free Will baby. Still baffling.

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$80 a seed will :joy:

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