Any word on how @AzSeaindooin420 is doing? He’s been gone for a while now. 4 1/2 months.
I named my selected F3 Spirit Train Fat Albert. When I smoked it I wanted to eat and watch old cartoons. When I smoke the cross I will come up with a name.
Loli that’s freakin awesome dude
In the future, I won’t be so quick to make these statements. This is one I really was looking forward to.
I have a few flips of the Double Desiel x Chocolate Desiel pollen from @AzSeaindooin420 if you would like one.
Same here, luckily I got pollen and made some crosses.
Here is the scoop on the situation…
On somewhat of a positive note. I’ve been in contact with AZseain. over the last few months He is doing okay and trying to get life in order had a rough go for a long while. He managed to bring me some beans that he knew were owed to a group we’re in and happened to bring me a baggy of the Choc D. beans.
On the not so positive side there were a lot of premies and duds in the bag. @Rena93 went through them and got them cleaned up to send to @G-paS but there ended up only being a 3x5in. mylar bag worth of beans but something is better than nothing. It will not be enough to take care of everyone though.
I also made sure to sqaure up with @buckaroobonsai since he provided the pack. So he has been taken care of as well.
That’s all I have for now as updates go.
They landed yesterday while I was gone. I will look at this week and see how far down the list we can get to.
This will defiantly be a case showing why people need to sign up in order of numbers on the list.
I thought the same thing… First come first served.
I’m sure someone who gets these will further the seeds for OG!
Well, wouldn’t that call for a F4 to F5 co-op?
I received these
If I did the normal process we would only have ~40 packs.
I went ahead and did this manually counting and could get 75 packs of 8/9 seeds.
I did five in each pack of the 1st sort.
TL3 Members:
- @CrunchBerries REG EM
- @Smoklahoma reg em
- @DougDawson
- @imstinky
- @Slammedsonoma420
- @ramblinrose
- @Tracker REG EM
- @Emeraldgreen
- @FirstCavApache64
- @HeadyBearAdventures
- @SEMOActivist
- @mndlss
- @Sbeanonnamellow REG EM
- @Weednerd.Anthony
- @Pigeonman
- @BudWhisperer REG EM
- @smokenhike
- @Cranio
- @MonsterDrank
- @allotment
- @Smooth REG EM
- @iceman
- @Illicitmango
- @Rhino_buddy
- @tresbundles
- @FattyRoots REG EM
- @Kasper0909
- @Kushking902
- @LonelyOC REG EM
- @Mr.Christmas
- @catapult
- @repins12 REG EM
- @Natea
- @lostinmyhome
- @HolyAngel
- @ifish
- @InTheWoods
- @potpotpot
- @Longtooth
- @Kgrim
- @DannyTerpintine
- @Cormoran
- @Tripl3fastaction
- @yardgrazer
- @middleman
- @DefNSmokn
- @Rhai88
- @BeagleZ REG EM
- @Jimdoors
- @SonsOfAvery
- @Jango
- @Hapi
- @shag
- @HorseBadorites
- @Pleasantrees420
- @TopShelfTrees1
- @Sense
- @Tejas
- @habitt REG EM
- @sprinklememaynee
- @CocoaCoir
- @Guitarzan
- @ix3u
- @zephyr
- @duo
- @HollySun91
- @Spitfire
- @Kcity87
- @jessethestoner reg em
- @Maddawg
- @PineTarBastard reg em
- @Elpolloloco
- @George
- @ChronicMcBudz Reg Em
- G-paS
Thank You @G-paS for doing this with your free time.
And thank You @Rhai88 for checking on @AzSeaindooin420
Thank you @G-paS! You are awesome!
Huge thanks @G-paS !
Thank you @G-paS!!
Thank you @G-paS
Guess 56 will default to next on the list.
Thank you for all your effort.
Thanks @G-paS! Felt a bit stupid when I saw I hadn’t put myself down as a RegEm as a matter of course. Guess I held onto Regular status long enough I got cocky about it.