Vietnam Black, Snowhigh/Kiona

Yeah, landrace is a clunky and outdated word. We need an overhaul of the entire cannabis vocabulary.

Yeah for real. Misrepresentation is rampant. The landrace hype is leading to a lot more location names getting stuck to hybrid plants, just because it’s fashionable.

The Vietnam Black, and the Goroka Highlands, and a bunch of these other purebreds are just stuck in the past. It will only take a couple generations of selection to rapidly increase the quality of any particular line.


im not shure if that the case. This is what i was trying to find out, how Landraces were made. What i heard is that they are selected. they arent just open pollinated in a Landscape.

i heard this from many places of the world. Afghani as an Exeption was selected as a whole Field. They kept seeds from a whole Field that was overall best. But in many other places they were normally selected.

Biggest problem is to recreate the Size, and the your Climates influence on your Selection-decision.


Selection by it selve is not a bad thing for Preservation.

I think you wanted to say: preservation and homogenisation doesent go together well.
I have never got confirmation whether it does. So i would be cautious and conscious when deciding for one or the other. Not that you mess up a Landrace-stock by HEAVY Bottlenecking, of wich i never got confiration if it preserves the Spark, the trip, the spiritual effect.

I try a soft selection


I’d take you up on this if you have enough to spare :sweat_smile::sweat: I have some MDS seeds for you anyways


I’m super interested in getting my hands on Vietnamese Black. My intention is to be a steward of this strain for preservation purposes, and perhaps . . through marketing and branding efforts, stimulating consumer demand to drive these genetics into the marketplace


Do you know what the expected flowering time could be on that Azad Kashmir x Vietnamese Black?


I’d expect 77 - 85 days.


How do you calculate flowering time of a hybrid? Is the more inbred parent dominant?


nice. I woul take a look on ACE Seeds, what they are relasing. Also look on TlT Seeds. They seem bouth to sell their Lanracy type Strains well. Wich doesent always seem to happen.

I think what doesent sell really is a equatorial x Afghani. Atleast if your Seedbank only does this.
If you make compromises in Effect in favour for Yeald and floweringtime, then i recommend to make “soft” outcrosses. Like to a very shortflowering Middleamerican (Columbian) or such.

  • A Viet- afghain Outcross will be very “strong” . Well if you ask me , its rather strong Sideeffects. Its nothing much different than what is already on market, like GG, Diesel or such anyway.

  • A Viet - columbian Outcross or a Floweringtime-down-selection will tame a pure Vietnamese Effect a bit (assumed its the realdeal Viet). But not give you such heavy effects, and leave your body without a brutal bunout. So you make use of the Properties of the vietnamese.

So, i wouldnt use too much of a Afhgani Indica Parent… I dont think such crosses will sell as good.


Remeber the Willy Nelson? That is the same Vietblack Line x Nepalese. Those nepalese are pretty suited to shorten flower aswell. It was quiet popular


Lol. Super un-scientifically. In this case I just averaged the two flower times. The Kashmir between 9 and 11, the Kiona VB 12-14.

I’ve yet to hybridize any two that have drastically different flower times. In the case of like, a Lebanese x PNG I would just tell them the flower times of the parents. I don’t have the fuzziest idea how the progeny of an <8 and a >22 weeker would turn out. Lol


I don’t disagree with this idea; but what makes you say it?


What makes me say it, is what looks like is selling the best and Seedbanks that are the longest surviving or remebered.

Yes you could argue Gorilla Glue is still popular… yes, but when founding a Seedbank ONLY with such a Sativa x Afghani Hybrids, i could imagine it would be hard to stay in the game without consistent heavy marketing.

So, just my impression.



Especially nowadays with the drastic increase in number of lines from Afghanistan, you could probably start a seedbank strictly with Vietnam x Afghani lines, and make a killing.

Call it the Seedbank of US Colonialism and strictly feature lines from countries the US has invaded or otherwise corrupted. :sweat_smile:

Donate a decent portion of the income to Doctors Without Borders, and Green Peace or whomever, and you might really catalyze a following.

Damn. Now I want to do this. Start raising awareness for all the child slaves inherent to the chocolate trade. The worst part is; They ship the beans out of country, whole! Them little kids don’t even know what the fuck chocolate is!


i recall just alot of “softer” Outcrosses are still remebered and outlived the Seedbanks.
People still carrying Willy Nelson, Nirvanas Fullmoon, and many Aces Outcrosses, such as Congo, Panama, Monkeypaw, are reproduced and kept. (well actually Congo and panama possibly use Indica, but in small percentages. But my Gut feeling says Vietnamese especially doesent keep a good Effect when crossed to Afghani, cause Vietnamese is very special in its subtility. )

Bouth can be done, but "soft " Vietnamese outcrosses might be easyer to sell.


Looking good man!

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Add in former Dutch, British, and French colonial territories and the world is your oyster.


Yeah I’m a big believer in sane crosses. Stop trying to mix the most sativa with the most afghanica. Actually stop and look at what the plant does, the effects she gives. Then find another line that will pair nicely with those effects, and make THAT cross instead. Slamming two opposites together isn’t going to create gold every time, especially with none of the work or selection that went into something like northern lights and/or Haze A/C.


These days that’s not really happening nearly as much as it did in the 70’s, 80’s. What most people are breeding are hybrids with hybrids and catching shit for making poly-hybrids. You catch enough shit that stops and you will see the extreme opposites being crossed together more then ever. Most of the gripping about this comes from the most experienced growers. They want pure crosses. Not poly-hybrids. They lived through the 70’s and 80’s and remember how great some of these crosses were. Many years of work went into breeding the extreme opposites for line breeding extensively for indoor use, which in the process developed the entire industry into what its become today. I could of made many of these same statements 20 years ago and it would of been acknowledge as the truth.


It depends on your breeding plan. It’s absolutely possible to take just one trait from Line A and keep all other traits from Line B intact, using a plain old selection process.

Some crosses between similar amazing plants will create a new batch of seeds with all of the worst traits of each parent. Nothing is going to produce gold every time.