Vietnam Black, Snowhigh/Kiona

My problem with polyhybrids is when there’s thirty five different breeders pretending they’re releasing new lines but each one is based off the same four basic parent plants.

People thinking they’re making a hybrid and the two lines are so closely related it’s an entirely variable inbred line. All these damn cookies hybrids that only breed true for two traits, small yield and lotta trichomes.


I completely agree. I met a young talented grower recently who moved into my area. He only grows hype strains from dark heart nursery… Slurricane, wedding cake and hermie prone strains like GSC etc…
He has the knowledge to grow but all he cares about is THC numbers when selecting what he grows. I mean I’ll take a clone or two from him if he offers. But ive never sold or purchased a clone, ever. Im still hooked on hyped 90’s strains… so I am, in a very similar way the pot calling the kettle black.
I say to each there own. Everything is always something when compared to something else. The grass isnt always greener on the other side. But on the other side of the brown grass it very well could be green.


Being back into the depth of the world of weed since the 90s, and how much it’s changed, I have been trying to understand the modern breeding world. It’s confusing and often wonder if it’s even going anywhere other then deep crossing and watering down lines. But idk I’m new. But what DOES irk me, is some of these names they come up with. Some people in the breeding world need reprimanded from naming strains, and shipped to the front lines of the chocolate slave labor lines. Some stupid ass names of you ask me! Sail Hatan? Seriously? You want to name a plant that’s healing and good with a name representative of all that’s sick and evil of this world? I don’t care if anyone believes or doesn’t believe in a horned dude named Satan, the true fact that there is some dark energy, and truly sick evil people in this world who rape And murder children and every other sick act you can think of, many do their sick deeds in the name of said entity. And that’s just my opinion on one of these strain names🤣. Geesh. My two year old could come up with better names.


Yeah, kind of, playing to a niche. Selling off of pure marketing, because there’s no substance to their breeding program. It’s the name of the game nowadays. Facilitate a quick, random, pollen chuck. Slap a good name on it, with a phat little logo. And definitely don’t get too specific when you write a description, because that’ll just be used against you later.

Bam. $200 a pack.

I’ve seen similar arguments against Killing Fields; and made similar arguments about Green Crack, and it tends to fall on deaf ears. Best we can do is call our friends stupid if they consider buying Cokehead Slut, or the like.


Two very different phenotypes; the Blue (on the paper) and the White (a golf ball)

The green is still in the vac bag. I’ll get a pic when I crack it.



Smells are ridiculous.


I need some of that in my headstash


I think you might be on the money bro… my experience has been that if they are both stable then the F1 is pretty much a direct split, If they are a bit wonky stability wise then so are the results.


When I tried to figure out the flowering time for my Kullu/ Durban hybrid I figured the Durban flowering time at 10 weeks but my gut told me 8. If I had averaged 8 and 15 ( Kullu flowering)I would have been spot-on with the actual flowering time.


Idk… it depends, in many ways access to cheap grow tents and led lights means that anyone can easily have a go at making something for themselves, and if that’s a big ‘fuck you’ to elitist rock star commercial seed companies and they get a buzz out of doing it then that’s pretty cool imho… but it sure as fk isn’t ‘breeding’ in any formal sense…

Is there a risk that it’s all going to turn into genetic grey goo? Yep, but cannabis growing and breeding is unique in the way it’s done a lot of the time … mostly small amounts of plants in very isolated populations in a tent in a cupboard etc… so in some ways that slows down the loss of genetics like has happened with some common agricultural crops where bottlenecks have become a serious problem.

The problem is always that if you lose the wild or landrace types then you lose the genetic bank you are going to need to improve what you already have. Where does a unique trait come from if everything is the same?

Most big name strains these days are about smashing together already good gear, growing a lot of phenos until you find the ‘one’ and then clone it … until someone tries to cash in by reversing a clone and making out like it’s exact same thing…


I believe you hit the nail squarely on the head here.


I would say that in general if landrace types are being used for cropping then there will be some kind of selection going on, the difference maybe that it’s not a systematic process of selecting for specific characteristics, I.e There is no ‘plan’ to the improvement process. Landrace are not the same as ‘wild types’ though, I take your point.


The word landrace is kinda trash. Without going on an RSC rant, I would just say “Heirloom is a better fit.”

If you’ll forgive an RSC-type rant;
Most of these “landraces” aren’t pure, and the idea that pure landraces are better is sort of detrimental to society as a whole — not to mention it’s just objectively incorrect. Hybrids are inherently better, stronger, faster than their purebred parents. The larger gene pool means they can handle greater variables and stressors, and change tactics to fit the situation.

Hybridized humans are inherently better than purebred humans, too. That’s why mulatto babies are always cute, and a lotta purebred babies look like aliens. :joy: Hybrids are inherently less likely to display genetic abnormalities and pass on hereditary diseases. Purebreds are inherently weaker; Regardless if it’s plants, humans, or animals.

Lastly, nobody is properly simulating natural environments, so even if you had a pure unadulterated landrace it’s only true for that first generation that was produced in the wild. Even if you open pollinate you’ve affected the progeny and sent the line down a different path, towards a completely unrecognizable line than where you started.

Then a bunch of lines that we know for a fact have been cultivated by people for generations, and they’re still being referred to as a landrace? It just doesn’t even make sense. If people are cultivating the plant than it’s no longer a landrace anyway. It’s a cultivar.


So, in my Experience , Landrace was the strongest i ever smoked.

And i smoked hybrids all time, some were very strong (strong sideefects if you ask me) , just fullon anxiety, and knowing your on. and loosing consciousness. Hard to describe, but i think i smoked pretty elite stuff in Switzerland… I mean if i pass out, how much more elite can it get.

But that just my experience, no claim. I havent smoked every single strain in the World.


Yeah, I don’t mean potency when I say strong, I mean Genetic Fitness. Forgive me if that doesn’t translate properly, I’ll try to explain better.

Outcrossed lines are stronger than inbred lines, in that they are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation.

The larger the gene pool, the more likely you will have the right alleles to overcome some random stress or disease or whatever.


thats exactly what i agree then! However,
couldnt genetic Fitness have occured in a untouched Region itselve (no contamination) ?

who knows. I myselve beleve sometimes they were just slightly depressed, but not as a neccesarity.

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Yup. Genetic Fitness is just like Physical Fitness, and the individual who’s strongest against a certain disease could absolutely be a purebred.

In general though, if you’re looking at large numbers of unrelated families, and a large number of environments and pathogens, the individuals with the largest gene pools tend to survive long enough to procreate the most often.


are there Purebreeds wich arent inbreeding depressed? thats what i a more interested.

Since its my Taste of weed.

You say Depression is just more often Case in purebreeds, but doo purebreeds without inbreeding depression exist rarely?


Maybe gets back to the point you were making before, ‘landrace’ is crap term. By definition unless you live and grow in the location these varieties have evolved at the very most they are ‘derived’ from a landrace variety. Local adaptation is only of particular value if you are also recreating the local environment they evolved, or else happen to be in a very similar climate… it can just as easy make them completely unsuitable, for example being nearly equatorial, anything pure indica is completely useless outdoors here, I get no veg growth and a bud on a stick at best.

It’s also like you say a mistake to call landrace types as ‘pure’, when in fact one of their characteristics is usually much greater genetic diversity than is found in line bred cultivars where the inbreeding coefficient is much higher i.e the probability that two alleles at a randomly chosen locus are identical by descent. Nature usually tries to avoid ‘pure’ because it’s not especially beneficial in the real world.


It depends on the size of the population. Some organisms can have very good genetic fitness with a small population. Coyotes, for example, have a very high genetic fitness even when their population nears zero.
Other things need a very large population in order to stay fit