Vietnam Black, Snowhigh/Kiona

Oh I don’t really mind. There’s no bad weather only inappropriate clothing. LOL

They were stunning dudes anyway and I’ve kept their pollen. Some has even gone to other Viet projects.


It’s got a bit more room in there to stretch out now I see!


Yeah the Cindy came down Saturday and the GDP aren’t far behind.

I’ll be glad I can drop the feed a little and make her happier.


I think it’s the sun
I have few issues either. Lots of males, few hermies.


@Heritagefarms farms… interesting it says viet black was made in 77. @romanoweed what’s the 70 viet? Thought it was viet black?
A guy that lives on an island in the Pacific And was friends with aussie drug runners Told me that Vietnam black is a Vietnamese afghan hybrid made by a viet veteran friend. He claimed to have met te guy that made it.
Lots of stories. Hard to say what’s true, but I agree with aussie guy. I smell Afghan in there


From input in my thread @Upstate
They were labeled 1970 Vietnam Black Fems


Id read that the ‘Black’ in the cross was Yunnan (chinese)

But Afghan would also make sense as someone bringing back pure viet seeds would have more access back home to afghan than to Chinese


I definitely find some pheno’s that are more squat with thicker branches and broader leaves, though it’s mostly only obvious when they are young, some do flower with more bud density than is usual for a pure Sativa.

This ^. Especially when you consider that a lot of weed in Vietnam originates from other SE Asian countries like Cambodia or Thailand, imho it’s sometimes difficult to spot the real difference between them when they are in a field.


we already had the discussion one two years ago.

i basically conluded, that your guy who says its afghan inside is the only person that tells it. he tells he spread afghani x Vienamese somewhere , he didnt specifically mention IN VIETNAM…

So he spread an Afghani x Vietnamese… and he tells that every single vietnamese black came from him…

So, who now believes that Vietnamese Tripweed was afghani x Vietnamese, relies therefore on a single anekdote, that i never heard elsewhere, about a thing that happend somewhere (not necssecarly in vietnam, and chances are that it happend in Australia,) . well…


further: there is a 25 weeker vietnamese called (greenhornet - Vietnam Tourist hemp)
(i didnt see much variation in the grow) , wich is said to cause very strong effects, i dont even wanna name the effects… well…

i guess its pure vietnames when flowering 25 weeks…


And why do i specualte so far that he might just talk about Australian vietblack heirlooms… because this guy says that literally every vietblack came from him…
If you think about it, there was the Veteran Copterpilot who smoked up and down Vietnam, and said there was good bud more to the north, and more to the south, (samples from a wide area), all from this single guy? haha
and he says that the best came from a tribe… An expelled tribe now sudenly was the epicentre of this guys Vietnamese x Afghani, :smiley:
so he gave his cross fist to the indigenous Tribe first and so emerged the fabulous tripweed?

i dont know man…

The trippy vietnamese i smoked was anyway not black… so i personally dont care about black…

even more questionable: the whole area, laos, thailand cambodia Indonesian created the most lifechanging experiences, wich basically puts this theory to bed for me… because he says he only made the viet black, not laos not thai not cambod…

Because his Story stands out like a colored dog, it doesent really mach…
I dont mean that it doesent match at all, everything matches and might be, but it doesent match with all other Countries that despite the absense of this guys Black, still had the trippyest weed, it doesent sound conclusive as he didnt mention where he spread, it doesent match with the anekdote of the copterpilot who said many places in vietnam have good stuff, atleast it wold mean that a 50 /50 cross would have been spread back then in 1977 all over vietnam

The ultratripy Greenhornet vietnames was anyway collected in the 60s… coexidentally its the strongest strain ever…-
aaahh, i dont knw.

It just doesent match with tripweed experiences in that region in any way… so, maybe he taked about a thing he spread in australia, and therefore he KNEW everyone around who grew his strain, that makes a whole lot more sense… thats why somebody say he KNEW that everyone who grew a strain , grew his strain, noow its finally making sense.
Let me explain : because read Threads about Mullumbimby madness… Always somebody comes forward and says: I, or my Friends made the Strain and everyone grew our Strain, you see, it was very Communale… Thats totally similar sounding to “the guy knowing literally everyone who grows his Vietblack”…
Thats how things went down in Australia: communal.

but of corse much is possible… thats all, a possibility… for me…


breeding occurred in Cali, not Vietnam. When I showed a pic of the 70 vb he knew before I told him what it was. It is the only southeast asian he was seeking, having friends all over vietnam these days he has access to anything else, but this one strain eluded him. These guys were MAJOR drug runners, using yachts for transport. They were all surfers, if I recall correctly.

Here’s the conversation


Kiona VB164 S1


Was i right or wasent i?
I speculated this guy doesent sound as this corss was made in Vietnam, and rather in Australia or such…

And now you found the conversation again and said Afghan inclusion was made in USA,

I guess thats one point for me.

So, no Afghani in VIetnam… Just in some Crosses that cursate in USA. Case closed.

The only interesting Info, he says they (the vietnamese) used Dalat as Pig fodder… I know those extreemly contradicting Statements from people who were ther in the old Days…

I have 3, 4 diifferent Guys telling:

  • The best was grown by the Mountagnards near Dalat
  • The best was grown by the Black Hmong (if you google Black Hmong you find that its the same name for the Mountagnards… They didnt agree on a single Name yet, so … )
  • The best was grown in Dalat
  • And another Guy said best in Dalat i think…

All reports are from different Guys that were there in the 70s.


I also dont understand in the Screenshot about what he speaks of when saying "no way its a Norther / southern Viet combo.

The widely cursating Vietblack by this Anon, is officially this lineage…

So i guess he ment “no way there is Chines Inclusions in the southern Vietnamese…”
And he seems to adress what happend in Vietnam, ok ok, He seems to say: “northern vietnam Folks are anti drugs and hated anything hilltribe…”

However, i could argue that he makes not perfect sense, because if northern Hilltribes derivered from China, those whould probably not hate southern vietnamese Tribes as much?? And share their weed?
no idea…

Im more open to the Chinese Anchestry than this guy, lol

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The last thing: he says some Vietblack was made by a returning Vet just after returning to back to usa.

Well, the official story of the widely cursating Vietblack Heirloom (Snowhigh , Kiona, Jtoucans), is that an Australian Guy had a Vietnamese that he sprouted out original Bud…(no timeframe)
, and wanted to bring it to an Auction in Yeah 2000… But he thought that people wouldnt like longflower, so he outcrossed it, to northern Viet, and NEVER TESTED THE PROGENY, and only later found out that many Phenos are leaning to the weak Northern Viet.
So, if he never Tested it , like the official story goes, im pretty shure he made this cross just before the Auction in 2000…
I cant rememer the exact wording… but eventually i factually read that it was done JUST SHORT BEFORE the Auction… cant remeber…
So, for me your Guys story, sounds all a bit weird, or he speaks about other Strains, that i dont know… It doese sound like another Happening when he says it was done in the 70s ??? no? I spoke to the close Friend of the Australian Guy who relased the widely curating Vietblack, and he sounds sober. From him i got free seeds, a guy i trust…

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I’ve heard that story…


HA!!! Love that movie


Yes. I’ve always said that since I talked about it with this guy. At first I thought viet black was a vietnamese landrace. I thought Chinese was added by Snowhigh due to no male vb being available to keep it pure. So I thought the vb snowhigh had was a hybrid. Then chatting with this guy on ig I was told it never was a landrace. Viet black had always been a hybrid strain. That was 2 years ago. I smell Afghan in there. For sure. Specifically I smell my own Afghan in vb. That sour pissy smell.
I still think there is Chinese influence in North Vietnam though. People discriminate against people, not weed. India and Pakistan don’t get along but the hash flows both ways.

??? No.
Vietnam black is dalat× afghan


Viet black is an old one. Possibly remade or released differently with a modern fast Afghan, I don’t know.
Like Blueberry. Most people think Blueberry was from dj short but Blueberry was made in the early 70’s. Same with vb. There is likely the old line and a new one.
Old vb made with Afghani sativa imo.pissy