Sorry, folks. I’ve been out of sorts for more than a few days.
BPPV, it turns out.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.
What’s BPPV, you say? Yeah, me too!
I almost didn’t mention it. I was there for scheduled physical therapy. My first in a couple of weeks…Christmas, New Years…etc.
I told him that a few days ago I was getting out of bed, getting on my hands and knees to then stand up…I fell back on the bed. I got back up on my hands and knees and stayed there for a period of time I thought sufficient for my balance to get re-centered…I fell back on the bed.
I got back up on my hands and knees and stayed there for a period of time I thought sufficient for my balance to get re-centered…I got to my feet…I fell back on the bed.
It was bad. Really bad. When I finally did get to my feet I had to hold myself up as I tried to traverse the classroom. Then that has been repeated multiple times over the past few days.
It’s happened many, many more times to a lesser degree. But, you don’t know what degree it is going to be until your in it.
Looking down and looking up, even slowly. Laying down. Rolling over in bed. Turning my head too quickly. Etc…
It is still most severe getting out of bed after a rest period.
Coincidentally, I was talking to the right person all along. They, PT, have a test to see it is caused by one of 3 or 4 typical reasons. They, PT, conducted the test - NO FUN, nearly threw up - they look for how a person’s eyeballs react to the movement they ask the patient to perform. People that exhibit CRAZY eye, your pupils darting back and forth rapidly, have BPPV…and not some other form of balance problem. And the degree of darting, total movement (what I gathered) indicates improvement or no improvement.
I wasn’t going to mention it because it wasn’t getting worse. It was bad but it was static. I had to learn to move so as not to cause the episodes.
I had CRAZY, CRAZY eye!
They prescribed Meclizine…
…and I’m instructed to call them directly Monday. Oh, and I must lay on my Left side in bed. I favor my Right side
They said we may have to do that all again. I’m not looking forward to it.
So, there was Christmas (Merry Christmas, all who I absentmindedly omitted! ), then New Years…in between I was done with my recuperation to a point that I was preparing to get back in the attic to finish up. I was going up that day. I literally couldn’t get out of bed.
Once I was up out of bed, up and around, I was too concerned with my generally equilibrium to risk balancing on ceiling joists for a few more hours.
I wished they’d screwed up the prescription and issued me Mescaline instead!
Now, I’m late to this too…But, I would have posted it had I been able to.
Without further ado
May the best of last year be the worst of this new year for you all, your families, your friends and loved ones! Happy New Year!
Oh, I got my 3 year Patient/Cultivator License.
The entire process, my the Tele-Exam, and them sending the paperwork off to the State, and receiving approval from the state, took less than 24 hours!