What are the Pros and Cons of selfing a plant?

Ive seen a few S1 and IBL seeds for sale out there and was wondering what I would be getting myself into? Is Herming my main issue I have to worry about?

this might help


Herms are one of many issues to look out for w both options. Main reason to S1 something is to preserve a specific pheno that would most likely be lost or diluted through a reg cross. IBL can give you predictable uniformity in reg seed form. Both can be done well or poorly. Both can herm just like most all cannabis can. Environment is crucial, just like proper selections and testing.

Biggest issue w buying seeds; can you trust the seller? Is it what they say it is?


Thanks. That’s what im afraid of. Spending a lot of money for seeds that I don’t know if that’s the right strain.

I think most plants will herm if stressed enough some strains are repeat offenders tho

Selfing pros : exploring what a specific plant is made of and to what degree it is homozygous.

Selfing con : with each subsequent generation(s2,s3) you loose more and more genes and with it - vigor

Case in point: I popped 20 orange beans, spotted 2 of what I think to be superior plants. I will self those 2 in 2 separate lines and pop 30 s1 of each line, showing who’s a better candidate to breed forward. (The more stable one

With selfed cuts, the more stable cuts will give you a nice ratio of superior plants in the s1 gen.
Think og kush, Bubba, cookies, chems and the like.

Multi strain mashups will probably be all over the place. In this situation it would be beneficial to find a superior s1 plant and self again, until you find stability. (Around s3 usually)


Anything “Cookies” from what I have heard. I’m growing two cookie crosses right now. I watch them like a hawk but none so far have hermied.

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Nothing inherently wrong or right with it. Some folks say it increases likelihood for intersex plants but I don’t think that’s necessarily true.

You can lose vigor after a few generations. Cannabis wants to outcross. It can’t self seed for a hundred generations like tomatoes. That’s about it.