🎧 What Are You Listening To? (Part 4)


After retiring i got more into computer games as its one of the only things i enjoy besides driving and watching waves i once had the balls to surf yet find too heavy…
My meds effect my cooardination so surfing is histroy to me even though i spent years in third world countries learning heavy and many other just super perfect waves and learning the lingos of local people living dirt cheap 6 months a year a few trips like that and i lost in ambition…Now this game is what excites me-
Counter Strike Global Offensive and Thrash metal soudtracks i have going with it to keep me psyched and speeding up the game play…Im Not a high rank, only been into this one for a few months and play twice a week 2-6 hours each time

but this game gets my adrenaline pumping and the music and gun choices are difficult to master…im not good yet but i wouldn’t be surprised if i do get pretty good to a higher rank by next year or so.


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