🎧 What Are You Listening To? (Part 4)

LuckyYou @BarefootAndBlazed.
A killer concert and an awesome friend.
Double Happiness.

This talented cluster of friends/family are continuing
and expanding the tradition from Bill Monroe much
like Old And In The Way, Garcia-Grisman,
Béla Fleck, et al. Great to hear and witness.

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I have developed a similar aversion to vocals in rock, pop, and even bluegrass and most of the music of my youth, which I greatly enjoyed at the time, has now become virtually unlistenable to me currently.
Most of the tunes that I enjoyed back then have vocals which irritate and distract me from the music I once found so engaging.

A prime example of my shifting tastes is that one of my favorite bands of old was Led Zeppelin, I enjoyed their albums and attended a few concerts which I thought then were great, however, nowadays Robert Plant’s voice is extremely annoying, thereby rendering the vast majority of Led Zeppelin’s music unpalatable to me.
I started getting really interested in Jazz by the mid 1970s, and I suspect that this is what ruined my fondness for much of the music I grew up with from the late 1950s thru the early ‘70s.
I have even recently found myself wishing that the old Grateful Dead and the original Allman Brothers actually recorded more instrumentals for my current enjoyment.

But of course, I can only speak for my own ears.


I could relate to this pretty well.
I enjoy more on the electronic side of things…a different generation. :sweat_smile::v:t3::green_heart:

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Well, music appreciation is most certainly entirely subjective. I have become accustomed to most of my friends and acquaintances aggressively shunning my preferred tunes.
I am absolutely not posing as any kind of arbiter regarding what is inferior or superior music.
Music is not any type of competitive endeavor, there are no winners or losers, and we all like what we like.
My major concern is that (IMO) many people nowadays do not really listen to what they like.

It is mostly listened to as background/wallpaper/ambiance/dancing, and not really focused upon and truly listened to.

I simply wish that more people would listen and just pay more attention to what moves them and stimulates their perceptions of what being alive and enjoying certain sounds does to elevate and enrich the human condition.
And ganja is uniquely suited to amplify and enhance whatever sounds you do find engaging and enjoyable.

My point is to simply listen to more of what you like, more often, because music is one of the essential spices of life, along with ganja.

End rant.


Well said…
Chew (nicely) and eat one’s food…

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I knew a guy who only listened to repetitive bleeps on headphones for hours.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Kramer: Dreams we never dreamed

Been hearing this more lately.

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Grateful Dead - Live (any works)

Local Rock station-- every Friday afternoon is ‘dumpster fire Friday’ and they play the weirdest shit they can find.

This tops the list… came on today- I’d heard it on here a couple weeks ago-- had to have @Draig Tell me WTF it was…

These guys Rock- but had to be high as Hell to write/perform it!