Yeah, that’s been in the last year or so. It was a top strain of his and was in a lot of crosses. Mine are at least not fems I’m pretty sure.
No idea what this is. It’s been sitting on my table so long I’ve forgotten. It’s practically bone dry.
That looks amazing
Is it still wake and bake if you make your bed first (and coffee, and take a weed wacker to the grass, and water your veg room. And clean your bong)?
Gotta have a clean bong, it’s a big day. Trying 3 Jungles for the first time.
One of my kids is coming over to visit today, and we’re gonna smoke some joints out on the back deck.
My selections are Kiona Piff (top) and Highlighter (bottom), both fairly energizing and alert sativa strains.
My kids brought me a box of Charlotte’s Web joints, lol. Not as good as homegrown, but I am still tickled that my kids can buy me weed and smoke it with me without risking jail now, that makes me very happy
I still have to rub my eyes sometimes to believe we can buy a pack of spliffs at the store, lol. Never thought we’d make it to legalIzation for a lot of years.
No kidding! I spent almost three decades constantly worried about whether I’d get caught with an eighth in my pocket, or have some nosy neighbor call the cops on me.
If someone had told me back then that I’d one day have a child who was making a decent living working in the legal cannabis industry, paying taxes, getting health benefits and all that shit, getting unemployment during an industry slowdown, and that the governor would declare it an essential industry, I’d have laughed out loud.
Seriously, or that House Speaker John Boehner who left Congress to start selling cannabis futures and stocks. Fuckers. I want all of the money I spent in minor drug busts and one for dealing an ounce.
At least we made it bro. We put the hard times in to make it happen. I’m so glad we all stuck with it. They sure made it tough at times. peace
Try about 30k collection, bail, fine and psychological report
I know where that dispensary is but haven’t stepped foot in one since it became legal here in January
My brother is a regular there lol I got over the novelty of it in Colorado if the taxes were lower maybe
This joint was 25 bucks
Some just barely dry blueberry with no cure as a tester. Surprisingly has a nice perfume taste other than the usual hay or grass taste. Hope that’s a good sigb
I remember your story. Man, it’s true. Some people paid ultimate prices. Some even got minimum/madatory life in prison for growing. Some like you just lost your life’s savings among other things. The authorities were setting about to destroy lots of lives and succeeded a lot of the time.
Yep, they deemed me the last of the great hippies wanted my ass in jail.
Thank God for friends in higher places.
I got even though, all if a sudden there were more campgrounds if ya get my drift.
When I was real young a guy I knew that was older and running pot in my area. He was dating a friend of mine. he got in a car chase from the police and they had a mob force chase him down and shot over 200 rounds into his car, killing him. That was around '73-74. It was really freaky. Scary times just for pot.