What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Pretty much

I get paid now to get stoned all day , great job I reco it 100% :sunglasses:


Being high enhances the innuendo some what :rofl:


Oh, I’ll be watching that for sure! :slightly_smiling_face:
I actually just watched Club Dread again the other day. :+1:
Does anyone know if they’re ever gonna do a Potfest film, like they teased at the end of Beerfest?

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Mrs. mota and I loves us some popcorn, and this is a fun little video. Did you know that when a kernel of popcorn pops, the white (what was the) interior becomes gelatinous before cooling as it flies through the air to “harden” and become what we’re familiar with?


It’s on the p2p apps as a webrip at the minute.
I dunno if it’s just me but it’s nowhere as good as the “Super Trooper” movies.
I’ve been medicating a little bit to much lately though if I’m honest so I’ll likely give it another watch when stuffs a little clearer to me :v:

John Wick Baby Yaga Was increadible!
i see at movie theater!
i ll came here recommend to all oldscholl members!

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Keanu is old af. Respect to him as he does most of his own stunts. He’s 58 now. I’ll be lucky if I’m able to even walk at his age :rofl:


Ugh, I elected to accompany my wife and kids and a few of their friends to the Super Mario Brothers movie… did not enjoy. Better than DC Superpets, I’ll give it that much.

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It’s been a rough week and this new one just started so it’s now morning dumb movies as a coping mechanism… today it’ll be a Bob Clark classic:


I started watching Mrs Davis last night. I had only heard promos for on it on podcasts so I only had the vaguest sense of what it’s about (it was being promoted as “The world’s most powerful AI and the nun who will do anything to stop it.”)

I think it’s fair to say it is not at all what I expected. It’s pretty weird, but I’m intrigued, I’ll keep going.

In a way it’s a clever podcast ad campaign, in that you don’t get much of a sense of it. The trailer, on the otherhand… you do get a pretty good sense of what you’re in for (kickass nun).


I saw the trailer for that the other day, without having seen/heard any other promo for it. I’ll probably check it out sooner or later.

Have you seen him at the shooting range practicing for John wick 4 filming? The guy is immense :exploding_head:

Watched the new Jake G movie Covenant
Very good , liked it

Watched the new Evil Dead movie . Not my genre but Wow , creepy , great first 5 minutes entertaining the whole way , surprised

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about to rewatch ‘Weeds’. i watched it recently but feel like watching it again.


Weeds was a good one.
And Mary-Louise Parker is hot, lol.
(Yes, another weird one I know)

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I’m currently watching Lethal Weapon 2 on AMC. Finished the first one before that, lol.
Man, it’s been at least 20 years since I’ve seen these films.

there’s a scene in the show that you might like quite a bit. when she visits the bar at the trailer park. :wink:

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