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Today’s mail call…

The 4/20 orders are rolling in.

From Hazeman directly… the Drawoh Chocolate Thai that I have wanted for such a long time… and a couple others…

From JBC… I coincidentally ordered these right before the Useful guy passed away… it was the last pack of the Mothers Milk F2s they had. The Bodhi Strawberry Fantasy was something I was originally going to pass on… but changed my mind at the last minute.

This here… From Oregoneliteseeds… seemed like it might be too good to be true. I haven’t ordered any @JAWS packs in a while… last pack of his I got was his CaliSunset years ago, before I had major brain/neurosurgery… I really wanted the Soylent Green and Cherry Chem Soda packs… so I pulled the trigger on the 4/20 deal… was supposed to come with freebies too…

Had a small problem however. When I reached in my PO Box to pull out the envelope… this is what I saw… envelope completed open. I took a pic at the Post Office… hence the blue counter.

The JAWS packs were there… Thank God. But no JAWS freebies. I can only imagine that they fell out in a mail truck or bin somewhere. The envelope didn’t have a single piece of tape on it… I never rely on the thin adhesive that comes on my envelopes and always tape them… because I’ve seen first hand how stuff like this happens… all it takes is one piece of tape to eliminate a problem… but unfortunately they didn’t tape it shut. I sent them an email… like other emails I’ve sent Oregoneliteseeds in the past, I’m not confident I’ll get a response. Never have any of my messages ever get a reply from them. I ordered the two packs in 2 orders, and paid shipping twice and got one unsealed open envelope in return… they kept the extra shipping money for the second order and combined everything. So hopefully they’ll do “something.”

So I sent them a PM on Instagram too. We’ll see what happens but it could be worse I suppose. I just don’t like the fact that my envelope was open for all of the familiar faces at my local post office to peep inside and see what I am purchasing. That’s what makes me more upset than the missing seeds.

On a postive note… a new glass pipe. It sparkles.