What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

I’ve the terrible envy to put a B&W Sensi Seeds sticker on one of my black cars ^^
Thx for your feedback ix3u, make more sense to catch the spirit.


Today’s mail call…

The 4/20 orders are rolling in.

From Hazeman directly… the Drawoh Chocolate Thai that I have wanted for such a long time… and a couple others…

From JBC… I coincidentally ordered these right before the Useful guy passed away… it was the last pack of the Mothers Milk F2s they had. The Bodhi Strawberry Fantasy was something I was originally going to pass on… but changed my mind at the last minute.

This here… From Oregoneliteseeds… seemed like it might be too good to be true. I haven’t ordered any @JAWS packs in a while… last pack of his I got was his CaliSunset years ago, before I had major brain/neurosurgery… I really wanted the Soylent Green and Cherry Chem Soda packs… so I pulled the trigger on the 4/20 deal… was supposed to come with freebies too…

Had a small problem however. When I reached in my PO Box to pull out the envelope… this is what I saw… envelope completed open. I took a pic at the Post Office… hence the blue counter.

The JAWS packs were there… Thank God. But no JAWS freebies. I can only imagine that they fell out in a mail truck or bin somewhere. The envelope didn’t have a single piece of tape on it… I never rely on the thin adhesive that comes on my envelopes and always tape them… because I’ve seen first hand how stuff like this happens… all it takes is one piece of tape to eliminate a problem… but unfortunately they didn’t tape it shut. I sent them an email… like other emails I’ve sent Oregoneliteseeds in the past, I’m not confident I’ll get a response. Never have any of my messages ever get a reply from them. I ordered the two packs in 2 orders, and paid shipping twice and got one unsealed open envelope in return… they kept the extra shipping money for the second order and combined everything. So hopefully they’ll do “something.”

So I sent them a PM on Instagram too. We’ll see what happens but it could be worse I suppose. I just don’t like the fact that my envelope was open for all of the familiar faces at my local post office to peep inside and see what I am purchasing. That’s what makes me more upset than the missing seeds.

On a postive note… a new glass pipe. It sparkles.


if your in the states PLEASE contact me i will make this golden for you my friend.

not kidding …


@JAWS I appreciate that but it’s not your responsibility. It’s the seedbank that should make it right. You weren’t involved at all. I’m just thrilled to have some more of your seeds. I really think… that coming from a customer service/business background that the seedbank should respond to their emails and also take small precautions like using tape to eliminate issues. Very admirable of you though thanks.

I also wanna add… my real motive for messaging this guy is so that maybe in the future he’ll send a more secure package and use tape. I don’t even care so much about the missing freebies… I just wanna know that he knows that this happened and maybe down the road… uses some friggin tape! :laughing:

Some or the seed packs he sells are pretty expensive. If I had another order down the road that cost $100 or more… it’d be nice to know it’s not gonna arrive open or half empty.


These just landed yesterday! Got a few more on the way :pray:





Cherry Pie x Cherry Pie Kush mashed together by Ozark_Nation on IG.


And my other order came in today of Dynasty/Relic from Labyrinth


Was that copa 5 pack a freebie ? I like his work . nice haul you got there . I’m a sucker for strawberry weed too !!!


Yep it was a freebie and I was stoked to recieve it as I didn’t have any of his work and to get this one was a blessing! :pray:


Nice! I see you got some project 4516.

I tried getting a pack of just the project 4516 but my f’in paypal wouldn’t work at the time.



Ordered some Cherry AK47 F3s from Jaws last night! Can’t wait to recieve them! Grabbed the last pack on sale!


just ordered some Copa 5 packs on strainly that I wanted to try

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It’s been over 72hrs… close to 4 days… and no response from Oregon Elite Seeds when I try to contact them through their email, phone number, or through PM on Instagram regarding the situation that happened in this post here.

Most seedbanks usually get back within a day or two. I’ve tried to contact these guys in the past and they didn’t respond either. What’s a customer supposed to do if they need help with something? I’ll give them a couple of more days before I start posting public comments on their social media channels. That should get their attention.

Their website says…

I’ve tried the phone number and email and utter silence… it also says “or fill out the form on the right.” There is no form. lol… unbelievable.


You guys are making me want to spend money I don’t have :joy:. Nice selection everyone!
@JAWS you offering to make the order correct is awesome…. Great customer service


I recently bought baklava by the plug. I can’t wait to run them.


@Emeraldgreen yeah Jaws is a good dude. I still want Oregoneliteseeds to say something about this to me. I’m not aiming to have Jaws get involved. I do want them to explain why they are the only seedbank that doesn’t use tape on their outgoing packaging and also now I want to know why they have a “Contact Us” link with options that seem to be ineffective. I’ve seen others complain about them not answering emails too. It’s inexcusable.

They weren’t so busy they could post this last night. Why can’t they answer my emails?

It’s a matter of principle really. Take care of your damn customer. That’s all this is about. I had similar customer service issues with Terpy Seeds when I placed 2 orders paying extra for Priority shipping on both orders… even in the notes I put… Paid for Priority… they shipped first class and pocketed the extra money… when I emailed them and asked about it… no response. No other company from any other industry gets away with this shit. Why should they?

Headiegardens, JBC, Great Lakes Genetics… I frequently order from and never have issues. Some of the best customer service in business from these guys. Some of these other seedbanks could take a lesson on how to treat the customer from any one of these guys. Shoe at Headiegardens especially. Dude is a class act all the way. Unfortunately these three places don’t carry everything… I am starting to wish I ordered the Jaws Seeds from Great Lakes Genetics now. If Oregoneliteseeds doesn’t respond soon… I’m done with them. It’s a shame too because I buy a lot of seeds… this is just since last summer… there’s probably over $5K in these containers…


I honestly can’t wait for all the market to flush all these people out. As we move into a more legal situation, this behavior will go :crossed_fingers:
I think I will stop by your house next time I’m seed shopping!