What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

It’s a seedy business that’s for sure.


So Oregoneliteseeds finally got back to me…

The freebie listing with Jaws packs was a mistake he claimed… even though it clearly said it came with a freebie…

My buddy also bought the same pack during the same promo and got a freebie… so he then flipped his story and said… “Oh well maybe he got the last one”… makes no sense. If there’s no freebie (even though the website clearly said there is)… and my buddy got one from ordering the same exact pack of seeds… why you send him one and not me? I’ll tell you why… he did send me one and it fell out of the completely open envelope.

So then I asked if he could refund me for “double shipping charge” since he dinged me twice for shipping and sent one open envelope with “packs missing” and his excuse was… oh my payment system won’t allow that.

I should be grateful he said… that his price was so low.

This guy came off dishonest and wasn’t intelligent enough to resolve the issue by offering a simple apology and sending a freebie. This is who you do business with Jaws. I’ll also repeat… I in no way want Jaws to send me anything. What I was looking for, was Oregoneliteseeds to make things right and provide actual good customer service. Unfortunately they failed.

Bottom line… I will not order from Oregoneliteseeds again. I advise anyone else against it as well… because they don’t take care of their customers.


Oregonshitseeds, there i fixed the spelling for you.
How he treated you was a prime example of Customer Dis-service at it’s peak.

These US shops below i bought seeds from over the last 10+ years. And all were extra helpful and professional and promptly answered my email questions.

jbc seeds


Yeah @BudWhisperer I’ve worked in Sales and Customer service jobs for years… if I had a promo or listing advertising something… and the transaction was complete… I’d be expected to keep my word. Not backtrack, change my story and not offer any solution. It’s pretty common sense. All he offered were excuses. I don’t care about the price… if you say it comes with a Jaws freebie… it should… and it obviously did… my buddy got one.

Update… my buddy Charlos… the one I mentioned above who also bought the same pack who got a freebie. Charlos sent Oregoneliteseeds a message saying that he referred me and a few other people to their 420 promo and Charlos told Oregoneliteseeds that he should make it right.

My buddy is now telling me that the Oregoneliteseeds guy actually called him moments later on the phone in response to his message and was very rude and disrespectful. The rep from Oregoneliteseeds said something about Charlos having his “panties being up in a bunch”… and then he supposedly used a bunch of tough guy talk. He was very rude and my buddy hung up on the guy in the end.

Wow. Just wow.

I wanna reiterate too that I’ve been nothing but polite and truthful about all of this. It blows my mind.


Thanks for the heads up @MonsterDrank, they won’t ever see my business after reading this. Customer service is very important.


Wow that’s rather awful customer service.

I certainly won’t be ordering from them anytime soon after hearing about your experience.

Could’ve been such an easy fix to simply apologize and resend the freebie, especially since he charged you 2x on shipping.

Shows you not everyone in this industry is trustworthy, honest, and genuine.

I’d much rather support Headiegardens, GLG, JBC, really anyone who has the decency to acknowledge a mistake if it happens and not act like a dick unnecessarily.


There are a bunch of people who have an old school idea that you have to put up with there bad business practices because they don’t see the world has changed.
As it gets more legal they’ll need to act correctly or face new scrutiny. Charging twice for shipping is fraud.


I haven’t been on OG for a long time, but I have to let people know that someone from Oregon Elite Seeds called me on the phone from (###)###-#### this morning after I sent a text about the freebies and multiple shipping charges. There were more texts about the situation and he was not friendly. This person did not identify himself and aggressively tried to tell me how he doesn’t control the shipping or credit card processing, that @JAWS didn’t send enough freebies and tried to make it seem like I should be thankful to him. I told him he needed to be upfront about the freebies and charges and that people could decide to order or not. It devolved into him bragging about his multimillion dollar home and business to which I replied, “Fuck you and your Mama!” He wanted to talk hard and I basically told him that I would stomp a mudhole in his ass. Anyhoo, fuck that guy and fuck Oregon Elite Seeds!!! He can suck my whole dick!!!


On a more positive note.

From DC Seed Exchange… first time experience. Painless. Even came with a freebie. :laughing:

These were calling my name. Angels Milk and Peaches n Chem… :yum: Mmmm that sounds delicious. I’m a Strayfox addict lately.


I’m guilty of this myself haha :joy: I probably have 25 or so packs from him now while I think last month I had 3-4 at most.


Your whole dick! Not just part :joy:

Guys like him need to go. See how long he stays in the house! They’re now part of legitimate business and all that it means


Thanks for letting us know, I was curious about them, will DEFINITELY AVOID! Sucks that shit happens, some people need to work a customer service job BEFORE they open a business. That’s no way to treat someone ordering from you.


Hopefully no issue with Terpy that’s where I ordered the Cherry AK47 F3s from Jaws, I did get a tracking # last night, so less than 24hrs to get that. Fingers crossed shipping is smooth, it wasn’t dropped off yet just at the label created stage.


Just ordered some new seeds from Paradise in Amsterdam (I’m in Europe): Wappa (a fave), Mendicino Skunk, and Atomical Haze.

Never grown the latter two but can’t wait to grow some more Wappa for those amazing strawberry flavors.


Huge fan of strawberry terps as well, please enlighten me about this Wappa, as I’ve never heard of it before. :pray:


Damn dude! $5k in seeds what are those? Reusable food containers :stuck_out_tongue: gotta up your box game bro!!!

Seriously though, looks like a great collection going off your posts in the thread! Loved the subcool talk in the first post. I too one day hope to get my hands on a bunch of his stuff!

That’s a completely fucked situation dealing with OES. Shitty customer service is inexcusable this day and age considering how many different options there are out there. Considering how many seed whores there are on this site, I’m sure they lost themselves a nice chunk of buisness by fucking you on a pack of freebies and like what, $16 on double shipping charge? Idiots :man_facepalming:t2:


Lmfao this is the truth, they really dropped the ball on his transaction, kinda shot themselves in the foot I’d believe! And yes some SubCool gear would be awesome, I have some Dairy Queen(Male) crosses with AnB and Pure Michigan Females. Both came out pretty solid, definitely want some of his stuff tho!


These Wappas are from Paradise in Amsterdam. I grew three of these last year in an Ikea cabinet. It was my first grow ever.

At about 60F they were PUNGENT strawberry, it smelled like a strawberry shortcake in the oven when growing… If I didn’t know better I would have sworn that they must have been sprayed with some sort of perfume. They were problematic because the smell was so intense my crap carbon filter I was using at the time stood no chance and the smell was wafting out of my apartment. Caused a bit of paranoia.

My plants were slow growing and took a little long to ripen, and by the time they were fully ready for harvest, the strawberry notes had faded somewhat to a more typical weedy aroma, still flavorful, but less obviously strawberry.

Now realize that before growing this strain I would have told you that my favorite terp profile was lemon/pine and that I didn’t like sweet terps. This Wappa changed my opinion on that permanently. It was really something else. My wife who doesn’t partake thought these plants smelled amazeballs.

Effect was balanced and the flavor in the vape was smooth and very tasty. I’ve been consuming since the 80s and this was instantly one of my top favorites. Highly recommended and I cannot wait to try my hand again now that I know a bit more about growing.


I will for sure look into these, thanks for the insight! Plant looks great! Amazing structure!

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My packs are packed in silica desiccant and stored in a dedicated seed fridge. That’s a lot more beneficial than sitting in a pelican case I’m sure.