What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

If I synthesize well, you appreciate to don’t have freebies from “bulk stock” (like before) and freebies from the actual catalog sold.

But … more basically. Are them making you happy and considering the customer’s service nice for this reason ?

Other questions … more focused on the form they choose. What you will appreciate the most :

  • 10x1 seeds from random breeder (of the actual catalog)
  • 1x10 seeds " " " " " "
  • 2x5 seeds " " " " " "
  • no freebies at all but lower prices

For the detail : this kind of practice is very popular over customers, i known a bunch of growshops that have a seedbank only for that … you’re reading well. For “pure players” like Attitude it’s pretty simple actually : they buy bulk seeds at very cheap rate or they split too old packs that are not selling well.


I Personal think you have here two different thinks

The first attitude does much breeder promos compared to Spanish or Austrian banks.
And at least I am an fan of getting 1/3 to an full pack extra specially if I buy higher prices seeds which at least didn’t justify for me often the price. (but I still want them) so at least I Needn’t to buy an for example third pack to fill my groom.

The other Freebies from the side.
Sure there often not realy interesting some times there good things and if you gift me 5-20 nuts which I would normally pay 5-15€ per seed Im having not a problem with it. And when I’m only gifting it to some one who can’t pay several hundred bucks for seed, than it’s still better than nothing specially if the price is the same.


Choosing amongst the options you listed, I’d prefer one pack of 10 freebie seeds, or two packs of five, particularly if the seeds are from some random breeder, not an in-house brand or a well-known breeder.


Well damn guys last time i tell yall about a purchase lol


I appreciate the feedbacks. It’s a kind of enigma for me since a while. Don’t hesitate to add opinions, i see a lot of pictures of freebies in this topic. (Also it’s important to only show the seeds when landed imho)

It’s crazy how freebies became important years after years, but not the prices. It’s irrational for me. I was enough behind the mirror to saw it with my own eyes in term of volume and fidelity. Making white label seeds and bulk for this purpose is really something in some area; it’s not directly lucrative but have a big impact on sale’s volume and traffic on a year’s scale. (EU) Customer’s happiness also.

Personally i don’t appreciate freebies, more a pain in the ass than anything else. To finish a plant is long and need cares, financial investments and space. I only want to grow what I’ve planned to grow.

I’m more happy with stupid cheap goodies : stickers, branded scissors, branded leaves to roll, branded lighters, a shirt to protect my clothes when i grow … and proportionally to the order each time.
stupid things more useful for me. Just an opinion.

On the format i’m very salty and radical :

  • single seed : sound like an insult for me, below 10 seeds it’s barely impossible to have an idea of something. They are not free to grow, come one.

  • 10packs : i can eventually accept the idea if it’s to discover a new breeder. And personnally, only if it’s reg. So i’m doomed to be disappointed.


Thanks for sharing. Did they get their CC payments back up? Have a great rest of the weekend OG.


FWIW I think it’s always helpful to see what different banks give in terms of freebies. I have never ordered from a European bank and likely never will… but it’s cool to see all the same.

I think I’ve become jaded about freebies (damn you GLG). I know it’s an extra little something and I shouldn’t expect it every time… but it’s gotten to the point where the banks that aren’t super generous… I’m not all that likely to frequent.

OTOH I could do with less stickers. I don’t really have anything to do with them, so they sit around for awhile and eventually get tossed.


Thanks for the reply @MonsterDrank . I see people on IG growing Kalyseeds gear and I have been jealous, but now we have access thanks to TerpyZ seed bank.


I only ordered from Attitude in the past when I didn’t have many choices. American seedbanks were rare and there were none at first and then slowly over time they would start to pop up… at first however the ones like “Great Lakes Genetics” would still not ship to me, and would only ship to states that had medical marijuana laws in place… now most states have medical marijuana laws in the United States, including New York… so I can get seeds from GLG and any number of USA seedbanks… so I can just forget about having to purchase from Attitude or anyone in Europe.

I can also say that USA Seedbanks tend to give freebies with each order too. Most of them anyway… and the freebies seen to be of higher quality and something I actually wouldn’t mind growing most of the time. Great Lakes Genetics is famous for this and gives away the absolute best free seeds. Jbc seeds has pretty good freebies too but the GLG ones are the best. Other banks like Packbanditz, Oregon Elite Seeds, Luscious Genetics, Terpy Seeds, etc. have all sent me freebies as well and they’re still better than what I would get at Attitude. They may be 3 to 5 seed packs sometimes or a full pack but are usually from a breeder I’d care to run… not some random free seed from Blimburn or a seedbank I’ve never heard of. I’ll be blatantly honest and say that I don’t particularly care for most of the breeders carried by Attitude. I’m not going to be buying a pack of seeds from Bomb Seeds, Greenhouse, Barney’s Farm, TH Seeds, etc… so even if the freebies are from one of the more well known brands like these… they still have little interest to me. But all these brands that Attitude carries that are real unknowns… I don’t like seeing that. Brands with zero brand recognition. They’ve carried a lot of those over the years.

I’m more interested in breeders here in the United States like Bodhi, Strayfox Healing Genetics, Dynasty, Doc D, Freeborn Selections, Crickets and Cicada, Alien Genetics, Etc… as I feel the seeds from these guys are of better quality being mostly connoisseurs of cannabis and making small batches of seed from their home crafted projects… I’ll take their seeds over anything made mass produced in a big greenhouse in Spain by a corporation any day of the week. The breeders here in the United States are also mostly accessible and interact directly with their fanbase… I like that too. It’s just a bonus that when I support these breeders mentioned, that the US seedbanks often give better freebies as well. But like when I get something I have zero interest in… I set it aside in a seperate bag until I get a few packs that I don’t want… I usually give these seeds away to one of my buddies who doesn’t order seeds online and has zero internet presence.


Rented space at Almeria (SP), between twos tomatoes fields, and piloted by illegal workers … is a pretty much outdated case. It was a thing like two decades ago, when most of the “Dutch Club” moved to Spain. The success of feminized seeds have changed a lot the game on this point.

Most of the time it’s a “peer to peer” structure with individual production units not specially dedicated to one single seedbank. Rented houses renewed near each year. For large scales/volumes, it’s no longer in Europe but in far East now. Only the “critical units” are kept in central Europe, those managing the original P1 cuts. Selection intended for fem/hemp production are directly sent on site and renewed on demand.


And I think we often forget the space… If you growing in an pc case or small grow box it doesn’t matter how expensive a seed is of you need 1-4.
But what is if you use an 4x4 0r 5x5 tent with 16, 25,36 or even 49 plants?

Sorry but even for me who can offer it, it’s some times hurt full spending 200 - 300€ on seeds.
Sure as soon you are in an good community you get seeds giftet and you can share them but when you are alone it’s a lot of money for something to some specialy if you compare it to bulk seeds


I wasn’t gifted with anything like that either time I ordered from CSI. I only received 1-2 freebies each time.

Of course there is another way to look at that @Villiager . If you buy a pack of 7 feminized seeds for $150.00 and grow 4 of them out in a 4x4 tent and are a decent grower your yield should be 1# and up. So even if you’re buying weed for $100 a zip in a dispensary that 1# would cost you $1,600. And if the weed you grew from your four seeds is good weed you take cuttings and make clones. That 1 pack of 7 fem seeds for $150.00 can go a long way.


(Re-posted from the Bodhi Seed thread)

Headiegardens, my favorite place for seeds in the US, put up this note:

“ Our deepest apologies to anyone whose order hasn’t shipped yet. SHOE has been extremely sick and in the hospital. We expect another week’s delay before anything starts again. Everyone will be given freebies for their patience during all of this. There is No One to answer emails so this was made to let people know what is happening.”


hope he gets better soon…such a warm hearted guy.

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@MonsterDrank was kind enough to share good news about Shoe:
“he’s been home for about a week now. I talked to him yesterday and he went down to his local post office and picked up an envelope I sent him… so I assume he’s feeling better.”

Shoe really is a kind person. I know he has donated to Strayfox’s daughter when she needed medical care. I hope he now has someone to look out for him.


Glad to hear SHOE is doing better. He’s sure had a rough go of it the last few years.


Sure but if I’m only interested in smoking and want some thing on " border Coffeeshop" level I also can buy a seed for 0,5-2€ and select something good from that… Dispensary :joy:
Maybe in the future but they plan clubs and 3 plants per household so :unamused:

These are both very good points. People love free stuff. It’s in their nature. I love freebie seeds because it gives me the opportunity to try something else that I might not have thought about purchasing. Or something to give away to someone who might want to.

As far as getting random swag… I love that even more :wink:… Just bought like 450 bucks worth of beans to get a “free” tee-shirt I wanted. Plus their are going to be like 20 packs of freebies I can pass along to peeps in giveaways or whatever.

So my thoughts are: people like deals. So if they can get what they are looking for for cheap or on sale, that’s going to be the huge driving force. Freebies are always great, but probably not as big of a deciding factor. Unless it’s something limited like that bohdi one I missed out on a month or so ago. I can’t even remember what it was called, just to tell you how bad I wanted it :roll_eyes:. Maybe angle wings x Oaxaca? I don’t remember.

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@yardgrazer , save those stickers and send them to me instead of tossing them!! I love putting stickers on things!