Who out there is a boater? Let's see what you got floating

:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:
That is fucken hilarious :rofl:

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“Break Out Another Thou$and”

Been boating for most of my life, long before I had a choice haha
My dad has owned a few. Sailing is his favorite hobby. I grew up joining him for weekly boat races every summer along with bigger event races on some weekends. He’s had the main sailboat for longer than I’ve been alive.
Lindenberg 26 (not my pic, same model boat)

Now he & my mother have a second sailboat that they use for cruising and longer trips. Has a nice cozy cabin with a few modern amenities. I don’t remember what kind it is, but it’s something like 35 feet long.

We also had a small 12-15 foot Four Winns power boat for a couple years. Had fun times going tubing & kneeboarding when I was a teenager. Then we got a boathouse, and it came with an old fix-me-up Lyman wooden power boat. Damn thing would barely turn right :laughing: so it was a real chore trying to dock it. That one was sold pretty quick.
Lyman (again, not my photo)


Sweet wakeboarding boat.


She was a wakeboarding beast
I will definitely miss her.
I don’t have any pics but my very first boat was a 1996 maxum
Sat around 7 -8 people
Topped off at 42 mph
4 cylinder motor
I wish I would have never sold that boat as well.
Sometimes you think the grass is greener on the other side
And then you get a rude awakening lol


buy a boat and work yourself to death”


I heard boat owners have two happy days: The day they buy their boat and the day they sell their boat. I don’t know, having never owned a boat.


LOL, sadly that is true in some cases but not most of them.


:grimacing: I’m sorry! I’m new here. I don’t want no trouble


Sold my boat a few years ago. Been huge into inland kayak fishing for the last few years. My boys are getting older and wanna get out fishing with pops, so this will probably be my last season with the yak before I get back onto a boat.


That’s a legit fishing kayak setup! The night time picture.with the colorful lights is so peaceful looking. Many blessings and much love


Don’t sweat it @Olddude , all good. Was just a glitch in the matrix, all is well with the world.

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That is a super cool setup, I love it. I have found this is one of my favorite things to fish from these days. Nothing like hooking into a Pike and getting dragged around, lol.



It’s all good. I’m kinda down right now with old dude hip. Ain’t got shit else to do but watch the weeds grow so yeah been really enjoying this site, As soon as I’m back up and going I will be supporting.A great group of people I have stumbled across.


Welcome to OG bud, I am sure you will love it here. Just make yourself at home. If you need anything or any help finding/navigating the place feel free to send me a message any time. :v:

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LoL thanks. With as much damn money as I’ve sunk into this yak, i might as well just stuck with the boat. Its a lot of fun though. I love all the crazy looks i get on the lake when i hook into some fish infront of all the boat guys.


Three reels setup for action on a yak is serious business! I couldn’t tell, is that one of the paddle with your feet types or is it an actual paddle with a paddle in your hands type? I never tried one of the ones you paddle with your feet but always thought they were so fancy and cool. Since yours is fancy I thought maybe it has that feature too! Many blessings and much love


My baby :grin:
Ive owned this boat for 20 years, never a bit of trouble.


The old 16’ Sea Nymph named after my wife. The Cory Laura usually always caught limits on Lake Michigan

The one I have now is a 20’ Lund Pro V also named after my wife. The Cory Laura II. Naming ones boat after ones wife’s gives one a longer leash on 2 day fishing trips on the weekends. Here is a limit of BOG gear hanging over the side. Sour Bubble and Bogglegum. RIP James

A limit catch of JS guitars on the Cory Laura II

Baby Lund for local lakes and it’s very lucky at bringing home limits of pan fish.

For smaller carry on spots, my Coleman canoe.


I been looking to get my first boat, but have been taking my sweet time about it. I am patient till I get what I want, for the price I want. I am looking for a small Carolina skiff since the river that is close by has a lot of area where the depth is like 2 feet sometimes less, and plenty of gators. I also want a very reliable motor, and a simple easy to maintain boat. I’m going to keep it simple, as I dont want a money pit. Id rather pay more upfront for a reliable long lasting motor, then be cheap and get a pos. Maybe get a good trolling motor with a couple batteries.

Looking at the fishing kayak brought back memories of why I got rid of mine. This is the route I went for a while, till I capsized it one day. After seeing how easy it was, I decided not to be easy gator bait lol. Now I want a boat that is the opposite, and very stable. It must be nice to fish a lake in a kayak and not worry about gators or crocs… Its one of the best ways to get on the water, but not here…


I have an old 71 Ranger

A river john

And a 23 ’ Wellcraft cuddy at our Bay house.