Anyone want to trade seeds

Anyone in the USA want to trade seeds.I have a bunch of different stuff to trade.I have a group on another platform that people come join us and we all trade our favorite genetics.If anyone wants to trade I’m down!I have a lot of my work and a bunch of other peoples gear!


Hmmm…how about you chill with us for a while?
You signed up 13 min ago and want to trade straight away. People might get this the wrong way if you know what I mean.
Here are already a lot of trading posts, did you have a look at those already?
Just get active on the board for a bit would be my recommendation.


Welcome to og! Do you grow, too? Tell your friends to join this platform! It’s cool :sunglasses:


You might want to say hello in the introduction thread:

There’s also a trading thread already, so… when you’re ready for that, I’d head there rather than create a new thread.


What you suggested has been one of the underlying tenets Of OG, both Version One AND the current 2.0!! Get to know the Members, interact, before you know it, you’ll have many Gifters/Traders more than delighted to take you up on your offers. Just remember, as a “new member”, you would customarily send FIRST. As previously stated, “WELCOME TO OG”, take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@NuggHufferKush, welcome to Overgrow.


@NuggHufferKush welcome to OG my friend. You’ve found the best forum out there, hands down. Enjoy


Welcome to Overgrow @NuggHufferKush. Are you looking for anything in particular or just looking for some different and unique stuff to trade for? It’s a cool profile picture you choose to use, a cannabis seed as a globe! It’s a neat perspective. I would enjoy hearing about some of your work and the gentics you’re using to select from. I’m down to send you some stuff no trade in return needed. Many blessings and much love