2023 Grow Journal and more ...

The origin of DGR was a mystery bag seed we grew in 2020. It came in a bag from older long-time growers in CA. I grew it for fun and by June 24 it was already over 4’ tall. At this point I think I assumed (with no good reason) that it was a female and I called it Mrs Droopy because when dusk came it drooped much more than all the other plants. When the sun came back up it stretched up to the sun more than the other plants.

However by the end of August it was even obvious to me that Mrs Droopy was Mr Droopy!

I moved Mr Droopy as far away as I could from all the girls. Mr Droopy was well over 7’ tall at this point.


I ended up crossing Mr Droopy with a Gelato clone I had made earlier in the summer which produced many seeds. This is the origin of the DG (DroopyG) strain.