7 Years of OverGrow Anniversary Party: Stickers, T-shirts, Prizes, Seeds and Mushrooms!

Damn, no fat kid sizes?!? :rofl:


A Chronicle of My Journey to The Vault

Beckoned, I traversed the distance through countless galaxies and what seemed to be many instant light years of stunning wonder until, appearing at first as a small particle of being in the furthest reach of the unknown, a figure began taking shape. As the celestial distance closed with a sweeping quickness the figure appeared shrouded in a deep cerulean glow forming a mantle around the subject, whose crisply blazing eyes animated a lively amber from within. It was then I realized the cerulean glow and the figure were a single being - that the being and the luminescence were one - and that there is only one cosmic entity possessing eyes like the dance of a sunburst.

It was @heliosphear, whose magnetism had escaped me from the gravity of the Earth and threaded a needle’s path with timeless lightning through the vast into reality’s furthest reach. A single word “Thevault” was somehow present in the crystalline atmosphere, and Helio, following my confused attention to the word, quickly inserted the cursor between the ‘e’ and the ‘v’, and with a single alchemical stroke of the space bar performed the magic of one non-word into two real ones, “The Vault” – It was then that the reason for my summons became clear.

Entering The Vault through massive doors hewn from celestial timbers, the engulfment into the space was complete with the aroma lifting in thin grey strands from The Eternally Cherried Joint on a polished stone table in the center of the cavernous arena. Other beings somehow made their presence felt, small lives, with immense potential in their furious souls. Helio drew us closer to the table and gestured toward its surface that was neatly strewn with packages of those homuncular but potent beings.

Words rumbled inward from the The Vault’s round walls “By dint of random number generation you are hereby invited to acquire one pack of beans (by which I mean seeds) of your choosing, and you may choose now.” I thought The Vault’s parenthetical was unnecessary (and redundant), but the message was clear, there was a decision to make. I conferred with Helio on the matter, and an arrangement was made.

Turning together to leave, after a few strides the walls rumbled again, this time gently “the door is over there guys”, and glancing backward we realized we had lost our bearings in the haze from The Eternally Cherried Joint, turned, and drifted out through the heavy doors.

I made it home no problem, as did Helio.

Anyway, travels aside, as for the “arrangement” we made, it would be a while before I could get to these, so I thought I would give someone else a chance to visit The Vault and choose a pack, and the spot will go to the newest member of OG to have posted in this thread as of this post. Chime in here if you think you are in the running!


Well I guess this means I’ll just have to send u some more money soon. Awesome. Ordered the high till I die but gotta have an overgrow the world with love tree as well.


Never got back to this, the rest lasted 3 and half hours. Then I snubbed it. That thing was insane. Happy cannaversary og 7 hours 45 minutes smoke time on that thing. Woo wee.


I still go back and watch that video. lol
And it still makes my day when I do so.


Congratulations :balloon::champagne::tada: @Radicle_Reefer, @Franklin, & @Panamajock on the win! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


@Heliosphear wait, whaaaaaa? I won?! Never thought this could happen. Definitely want that magnet! I’d like to thank my mom, my producer, my kids for always supporting me…


Congratulations @Radicle_Reefer, @Franklin, & @Panamajock on the win!


@Heliosphear can you repost the link for the shirts? I looked through the thread a couple of times and couldn’t find it. Thank you!


Hey newer memebers read every post never know what might pop up. @splinter7 check out :point_up:


The vault sounds like a bit of heaven in a jar.
Who wouldn’t love to visit it once in their lives.
Patiently I will wait, like with my grow.


Thanks guys…well chuffed.

And big thanks to all who organized these anniversary give always etc.

Overgrow just keep doing it!



Ha! Thanks for highlighting this, @420noob, the lead did get buried under all that purple prose.

So yea, newest member to have posted to this thread prior to post #802 gets an all-expenses-paid pilgrimage to The Vault.


We’ll whoever it is I’m sure they’ll feel like they just won the lottery :trophy:


You’re pretty close to newest in this thread, @LzBoy . Check it out!
Good luck!
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


I’m here for a month or something… never tought being new to something is a plus :grin:


Oh man! Got it by five days, looks like. Anyone newer than Nemo?
Good luck!
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


Btw… Can somebody tell me where to upload the “Pets-Contest entry” ?
Is it still in here?

Thanks in advance!

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So far you are the newest to check in! It looks like you joined July 6 (you probably know this, but click on your avatar and it will give the basics stats in a pop-up box).

Anyone newer than that care to chime in? The Vault awaits.


I found one newer… It’s heating up!
Good luck!
:ghost: :raccoon: