A Guide to Long-Term Clone Storage, 2+ Months, And a Continued Experiment to Reach 6+ Months


Well I do have to backpedal a smidge. I prepped the first batch of clones over the weekend and was moving them to a little clone area for this test. I had everything set up and reused an old kasa timer for the t5. Well I hooked it all up and forgot to update the timer in my haste, so about 30 mins after I moved the clones in the light turned out and I didn’t notice till later today when I went to mist them. I used cuttings with different stem widths and the 2 thinner stems fell over. They may still root just for the experiment but they would not be usable clones. The thicker stem ones are fine and I think will still root but we’ll see. Worst case I’ll run another jar next weekend and just work around it. I’m pulling more males over the next couple weeks so more plants to experiment with.

I’ll post another update this weekend with the results.

Affie Male Clones Stored 2 Months, Still Green and overall healthy looking, they were removed from the jar, I allowed to dry in the air briefly to firm them back up and then placed them in a cup of ph adjusted water with a drop of SuperThrive. I allowed them to sit under the Fluoro and then moved them to 1.5” Rockwool cubes with Clonex cloning gel. I mist twice a day, fingers crossed I didn’t waste a batch :v::crossed_fingers:


Thank you for posting this … incredibly helpful. Ill be utilizing it the near future.

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Very cool , I get great success in ziplocs in the fridge, I’m sure this will add to the longevity. Thanks for sharing :pray:t2:


I just put all my cuttings into the fridge tonight. I use a ziplock bag (labeled) and put a small amount of water in the bottom, then add the cuttings and seal it up.

The bags are then loaded carefully into the bottom drawer of my fridge, so that the bags are sitting upright (I don’t want drowned leaves).

They’re going to stay there until I need them, but I will check them periodically to make sure they’re still looking fresh.


For all those interested in just using plastic baggies, you should research storing fig tree cuttings. This is not an original idea and fig tree growers have it dialed in for year long storage using these same cleaning protocols. They have forums just like OG, might check it out.


I’m a fig tree grower/cloner…


Very nice, if only cannabis was a woody plant


These were all in the crisper drawer 5.5-6 months ago…now they’re ready to be given away and they will produce figs this year…


bitchin! There are a lot of wild grape vines and fig trees out in the foothills of california from when the spanish missionaries were out here converting the locals. How long does it take to go from a cutting to producing fruit? I really like the idea of going fig tree hunting lol


These fig tree clones will produce figs this year and can/will grow over 15ft. tall of you let them…I keep my fig trees under 6ft. tall every year bromigos.


That is really cool to hear. I’m absolutely finding some fig trees this year :sunglasses::fist:

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@PhilCuisine we’ve got a fig here in our backyard, and I tried to root some branches, but failed outright.
Can you maybe share your method/ tips?

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Cya in a few months


Looks good! Best of luck with them!

This is it, I don’t have any special method…just a cup with an open air hose and I don’t do any overthinking when it comes to growing pot/veggies anymore…I keep it simple bromigos…


Was planting our seeds for our non weed garden yesterday, decided to root some cuts as well.

Fresh out of the jar

Coming back to life

Post soak

Planted these in a 6 cell to root since I was working with those. This is the next day.

These were just a little past their prime. If they had thicker stems like the others they would have stood a better chance, but you’ll notice no mold, yellowing etc, just some wilting

The plant “nursery”


Wow, they look pretty good for over 4 months in the fridge! I could never get past 8-9 weeks with the old way. I think your right. Older, woody stems may be the key to longevity in the fridge.


I got two more batches like these lined up so time will tell

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Are there any other measures to be taken if I want to preserve the clones of the outdoor plant? I would later grow them indoor

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The alcohol and bleach rinse will completely remove any bacteria or pests. I didn’t actually bring this up initially but that’s another good use.

Say you come from outside to inside and you got spider mites. The cuttings will be completely free of them when you go to root.

Also say it’s indoor and you have powdery mildew or some other ailment in that cherished mom. Sterilize a cutting and start over, even if you don’t store them. The alcohol removes the wax layer on the plant which gets rid of any of that. As long as it’s not an issue like a virus good to go.