Anyone have thoughts or testimonials on use of biochar?

@Tinytuttle Some playing with my PicsArt app. Layered some of my geometric musings over a mirrored image of my fire pit.


I got on the biochar wagon several years back and bought a bag of Black Owl precharged and used it in my soil mixes. Can’t say one way or another but I won’t buy more.

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From my understanding you probably won’t have to will stay in the soil good many many moons!

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If you recycle your mixes, then you shouldn’t have to.
I’m into my 3rd and 4th recycle of my current mixes and find my self using less “recharging” materials each time.
Also seeing the very best plant health ime.

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Interesting, my understanding is that pure carbon is very stable in the soil precisely because all the organic materials have been burnt off. It should not rob the soil of nitrogen because the nitrogen consuming microbes have nothing to feed on?
Also charcoal is an effective anion exchange material so it holds on to nutrients and prevents them from being leeched down into the soil profile and away from the reach of roots. The idea behind ‘charging’ bio-char is exactly this… soaking it in nutrients so that they bind to the electrical charge on the charcoal and are released into the soil as required by the plants.