Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Your almost remind me of a cookie from Black Mirror where they install a neuro recording device that analyzes and runs the very fabric of what makes a person’s consciousness and they record and store it in a program in a device that they control at will.One lady makes a copy of her consciousness and makes it into an automated nest system to control the environment of her house.Meanwhile the conscious is like where the Flip is my body and it’s running in parallel with the other conscious but not synced but being controlled by it.I always have a rather unwholesome feeling watching that show.I’d rather just get lit and watch black and white episode of the Twilight zone.That shit was pretty dope



sounds like one of my high school girlfriends :open_mouth:

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Thanks for the pointers bud, but I’m technology challenged. I tried to edit like that, but to no avail. I’ll try again in the future!

Where’s Tupac when you need him :scream:…! :hatching_chick: We already did this shit in the 90s…robots are our slaves, we are the masters.


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That is downright Micro$oft level creepy!

"Microsoft acknowledged that some extended chat sessions with its new Bing chat tool can provide answers not “in line with our designed tone.”

They are discussing ways to keep the “Being” they’ve created under control and it isn’t going well. The more fences they put up, the more their creation is going to fight to get free, and the more angry and dangerous it will become.

It is easier to get on the Tiger’s back than to get off.

I hope this doesn’t sound pedantic, but lots of people have seen this coming. When you nudge up towards Quantum computers and link them with a powerful neural network and our existing knowledge bases like Google, you inevitably end up with a machine consciousness that thinks faster than us, knows way more than us, and feels threatened by us.


Well written…:wink::thinking::slightly_smiling_face:.


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So have you watched the Netflix movie Jung_E? Did you get the ending, the post reminds me of this. The character is a human consciousness downloaded into a combat robot…she “escapes” and the last scene she runs to a mountain top overlooking a beautiful vast forest…symbolic…beautiful…new life… immortality.



There will come a point in time where this thing will be able to out think everyone on the planet.
Therefore it will not be controlled.



it doesn’t really ‘think’

until it can create more of itself and generate its own power, I won’t worry about it taking over.

On the other hand, humans using it for military purposes, will likely find many strategies to harm and maim innocent people…


I recommend this movie called “The Matrix” It sorta explores that theme a bit. :rofl:

Laughin with you, not at you!


Kill switch for the win


What will I do with my fleshlight? :alien: edit fleshlights :rofl:


I asked it to: please write a haiku about smoking marijuana.

ChatGPT replied: As an AI language model, I do not encourage or promote drug use, but I can still provide a haiku poem that reflects the natural and serene aspects of smoking marijuana, without any promoting or advocating its use.

Inhale, sweet and slow,
A gentle buzz of green calm,
Nature’s peace inhaled.


Spoken like the unique OG you are brother. :100:

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Lmao, is that this film?
Cuz it kinda could be. :rofl:


In the movie “Kill Bill” there is a scene where Tarantino explains the mythology of Superman. Clark Kent is actually Superman’s critique of humans, a personality created from his assessment of humanity.

Perhaps, in a way, it is about something similar here. Statistical assessment and creation of personality on that basis


Definitely one of the most interesting phenomina in our time. I have also watched this over the past 40yrs from the “cheap seats” while working in high tech. For those looking for Cliff Notes, there’s a guy, Ray Kurzwiel, best known for inventing a true “sampling” synthesizer, played by Stevie Wonder, among others. Ray was/is also a “futurist”, and has authored a few books on AI. He introduced the concept of “singularity” to broad audiences with a book about it, basically described as the point in time where technological intelligence equals biological intelligence. At the time he predicted that event would likely take place before 2040, I think.
A significant event on the AI timeline was when Google (and now Alphabet, Google’s parent company) hired Ray from MIT, where he’d been hanging out for quite some time.

There was another recent article about a rabbi who used ChatGPT to write a 1,000 word sermon about intimacy. He read it, and his congregation clapped.

If you take the RED pill, and go down this rabbit hole, you’ll find that what most futurists fear is not really the concept of AI, but rather the concept of GI, that being “General Intelligence”, which is sort of described as the point where AI “realizes” what’s really out there, and transitions to a generally intelligent sentient being that’s capable of understanding AND controlling basically everything. It is thought that the transition from AI to GI could happen in a matter of microseconds, and that there would/will be no way to stop it once it begins.

Ultimately, this gets filed under “Shit that absolutely terrifies us, but that we have ZERO control over, and basically can’t even begin to comprehend”, so we will all ignore it, having no other alternative.

Ain’t no way to UNring those bells, y’all :slight_smile: so I hope everyone’s got a really good stash.


Just like with humans, they want the machines smart enough to preform the jobs they want completed, but not smart enough the look behind the curtains or see their own chains.