Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Check out their site quebiccannabisseeds they got a lot… Ive grown couple of their testers before they got lots… Let me know before u buy if u want

You’re not going to send these via Canada post are you :joy:?!


They send it direct from them lol. I just get a % from the sale thru my link

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pureple rain and truffle look yummy

I’m new here.

Would you mind explaining the difference between strand and genetics?

Hope I’m not to late…


Thank you for the opportunity and fun…plus a little stress:)…

187 (on a undercover cop) @THCeed

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And ya don’t stop

rechosen 2nd pick since i misread lol. 188!

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128 this time :slight_smile:

Daamn you guys send out spliffs?


You should see the Canadian secret Santa thread.


With a nice quality jacket and a fridge full of beans, Canada does seem like a nice place.

If it’s Canada to Canada that’s legal in their post :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’ve bought from QCS several times and had zero issues with them.

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I’ll go with #127

Thanks @THCeed!

Nope, blank as can be. LOL

Not too late, but a rule breaker for sure.

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Have you been stuck in a house for 4-5 months of the year to cold and crappy to venture outside with a person whom is packing the beans away. We learnt from these mishandled shenanigans and now opt for a rice base


Who picked #72?