Break apical dominance on clones while still attached to the mother

I think of myself a clone guy. I have no problems what so ever. I’ll never tag over 4 weeks into the flowering stage. But I do see the benefits of cutting leaves and branches in the clone to get roots to jump. I also believe in potassium sprays. I’ll trim the edges sometimes to get them motivated a little. I have also chopped the ends of leaves from the start. I use a fungus spray. It waxes the leaves. It also will shock them. Imop this forces the clone to start the process of root growth. I clone in water. I have found this to be easy for me. I like long cut instead of short ones. I don’t use a dome. But I have got to keep the rh right. I go from wet to dry. My ph is 5.3. - 6. It will change. After a few days I change the water if I add some fish stuff. Which this is a mistake. I have seen where this causes build up on the stems. At this point. I will remove the gunk for the fish stuff. Change water. Ph down to 5.3 again in a few days I see horns. Sometimes I want wait for the root to get long. I’ll put them in dirt. Still you have to keep rh and temp up. At this point I go to 20/4 then 18/6. I like the reds light better. I have different light . I like the out mh reflector the best for this. This is my op. I’m not here to fight or cause problems. I see the dome use here. My friends use them. They don’t work for me. The smell for the dome tells me that the oxygen levels are low.

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Yeah it’s hard to say, you would have to do some side by side comparisons but even then there would be variables that are hard to control. Each cutting would be similar but not exactly equal.

I’ll email the guest and see if he has any of the research he mentioned during the show. I’ll update you and the thread if he gets back to me.


Sometimes I have found if you cut Right below a branch crossing. Remove the leaves dip is clone x for 10 seconds. This is the key. I also shave the sides.

I’m all about new techniques

I gotta run out for a bit, you guys keep discussing and I’ll be back soon.

@Hemp , no need to scrape stems , if you smear clonex on stem , wait and watch , you will see the start of new nubs forming : )
Always recut the stem after using clonex , this will help the cutting uptake and keep its turgor , if you don’t the cut part is slightly blocked with clonex , turgor will be lost and fresh cutting will struggle : )


Imop you need to with hard beaches. I’ll do 6 to even bigger. My home made kits I have to. I really don’t have problems. I’m sorry I seen a topic I was excited. image image image image These are old. I have some pictures with budz from cuts at 4 weeks into flowering. I lost my gape. From doing to much. I also have pictures from those and more. I tried to keep it simple to let people know how easy it is. Those are just straight tap water no PH at all. Good luck with your topic

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good tip with the clonex - not thought of it blocking the capillary action !

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Let’s cut out the middle man and start growing buds straight off the root.

“You got auxins in my cytokinins!”

David Kessler just got back to me with the link for the study where this method came from. It’s not the easiest to read but definitely explains the science behind what is actually happening to a plants hormones when we top/fim them. It’s a good read :fire::sunglasses::+1:

@Worcestershire_Farms - they specifically mention auxin levels being tested.