Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)

It’s fascinating to watch people get upset over the use of the terms “indica” and “sativa”. Now government regulators are getting involved, that is hilarious to me. Indica and sativa are descriptive terms for cannabis, it’s very simple and it works really well and that’s why people use the terms. Big Government and geneticists don’t like our words? So what. Do they think “legalization” means they control us more now?

Indica plants are ones with wider leaves, heavier body high, danker, earthier odors. Sativa plants have narrower leaves, energetic mind high, fruitier odors. These are all general, descriptive terms. None of us ever expects to get a patent on the word “sativa” or “indica”.

We never said they were different species - did the corporate scientists and government overlords think that we referring to different species? why did they assume that? “Sativa” and “Indica” will never go away.


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“It may have evolved there about 28 million years ago, which is when biologists estimate cannabis and the common hop last shared a common ancestor.”


Oh well,
Freedom remains elusive.

“One key sticking point in Illinois — particularly with law enforcement — is whether to allow people to grow cannabis plants at home. Steans said she expects the bill’s final language will allow only medical marijuana users to grow their own”


2019 is definitely the year where politicians love to talk about cannabis! They see the opinion polls, they respond verbally, but they still work for Pharma.



Now this is far more enticing to me…
“but I’d be just as interested in trying a strain that scores, say, the highest recorded terpene levels, for instance.”

above quote pulled from article


I’ll begin the search. I’ll find it.


Now I’m wondering if we can make a terpene bomb plant😅

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That’s a pretty neat idea, maybe we should do something like here on OG using polls.


I was thinking the same but with one ultimate difference…the winners of each terpene class would be bred making hybrids. Hybrids would be bred and then the best polyhybrids bred to use for the final breed…making not just one high terpene profile but a strain that contains the highest levels of all of the terpenes spectrum.
Edit: Or we could research the poll winning strains and find polyhybrids that are already bred and use them for seed run parents…


Either way this project I’m excited to see :grin:

So, cannabis is killing dogs?

from article;
“It’s heartbreaking,”

“The sooner you get your dog to the vet, if they are exposed, the better chance they have to live.”

Local vet fed up after rise in treating dogs with THC in their system


I’ve never had one die, but they are very sensitive, even to small amounts. Can last 3 to 5 days sometimes. Intralipid therapy helps bind it in the blood stream. Most are normal on 24 to 48 hours. It can recirculate in the urine and gut.

Dont induce vomiting if they are symptomatic. That can cause aspiration, which I’m guessing is what caused the few fatalities that have been reported.

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This is bullshit, there is nothing harmful in the cannabis plant for canines - many of the early Western studies on cannabis were done on dogs, dosing them with enormous amounts. Oklahoma is a primitive, backward-ass, ignorant place. This redneck vet obviously hates people that use cannabis.

If dogs are being poisoned it’s by other non-cannabis ingredients in edibles or something else they ate. Every time I see this propganda theme show up (pets being HURT by legal cannabis) I always try to educate people on Rimadyl, a dog NSAID medicaiton, that has killed thousands of dog yet continues to be standard operating procedure for most American vets:


It’s not that it is toxic, but they are very sensitive. So like a gram will get a 100 pound dog stoned for 3 days. Unable to walk and urinating on themselves and very sensitive to light.

But yes. Things like grapes are far more toxic.

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Some must be more sensitive than others. My best friend’s dog was my bud tester back when I sold. If he wouldn’t eat it, I wouldn’t buy it. Damn dog would only eat top shelf. You could leave mids all over the house and he wouldn’t touch it. Any good shit and you had to put it up where he couldn’t reach it. Damn dog would even open doors n climb furniture to get it. Only time he had a major reaction was when he got ahold of a whole oz. He would lay down for hours staring at the same thing, suddenly get up and start to run, get outside and stop. He’d just stand there a few minutes then take a couple steps n stand again. Swear it took him an hour to go pee. Lasted 3 days then he was fine.

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Early studies were done with cannabis on dogs, they showed some staggering around & passing out but not most of the other dangerous symptoms in the propaganda. No lasting damage was ever found - it’s non-toxic compared to most vet Pharma medicines. A lot of people go home with a bottle of Rimadyl for arthritis or after a a surgery and it’s a lethal dose.

There’s a lot of bad stuff in processed foods. For example most dogs aren’t allergic to chocolate, it’s the caffeine in the chocolate that kills them if they eat too much. I found the study! this citation looks legit, I can’t find a link to the original


Through the courtesy of Messrs. Parke. Davis and Co., manufacturing chemists of London and Detroit. Michigan, U.S.A., we are enabled to reproduce a clear pharmacological study of the drug by E. M. Houghton, Ph.C., M.D.; and H. C. Hamilton. M.S (Excerpt from an article in the “American Journal of Pharmacy” for January 1908.) From several samples of Cannabis Americana fluid, extracts and solid extracts were prepared according to the U.S.P., and were tested upon animals for physiological activity.

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