Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)

The government playing games, who would’ve thunk:

“… it’s not right and they should have received their license from the state months ago…”


RIP Prop. 215!!! Dennis Peron & George Soros & company gave California 20 years of cannabis freedom, now it’s all over, Prohibition has been restored.

I’m still getting used to the shock of seeing California with the worst MJ law among legal states after 20 years as a beacon of freedom & hope for this movement

In California, around $2.5 billion of legal cannabis was sold in 2018, half a billion dollars less than in 2017 when only medical marijuana was legal

The distinction between legal cannabis businesses and scofflaws is about to become much sharper. The loosely regulated system of medical cannabis cooperatives that has existed for two decades will be illegal after Jan. 9. This gives law enforcement more clarity.


“We have to get more consumers buying from the licensed market,” she said.
Legalization was promoted as helping to end the war on drugs. But Ms. Ajax says California has no choice but to “step up” enforcement of cannabis scofflaws.

Bureaucrats that refuse to see the forest through the trees.


silliest article ever?


Most definitely in the top 10…lol


I’m going to quote myself :grin: :blush:



fascinating stuff - retired doctor goes through all the studies on SSRI’s that show massive increase in suicide rate:


Article begins with great quote from Carl Sagan.
here is excerpt from quote:

“If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth”.

It is the insidiously cozy relationship between government regulators and Big Pharma which has truly exacerbated this horrible blight on society.


Americans live in a country ruled by criminals


And why can none of the seizures ever happen to a shop? I remember hearing about the law that let’s feds take anything they want if it helps the investigation.

Actively chasing someone and you happen to have what they need is one thing, but some of the shit I’ve heard is ridiculously stupid. Let’s drive up to you, take your car, and leave my car here you can’t use behind. They just had to drive that expensive sports car to chase a perp :unamused:


Look at this - Bermuda - you have to sit there and be lectured by the criminal bandits that kidnapped you & robbed you - this is the freedom we got from defeating facism in World War II right?

I’m not interested in vacationing or living anywhere that still has Prohibition. Jamaica is the Caribbean nation that has legalized the herb, our community needs to withdraw economic support from hostile regimes like Bermuda.


This is what industry-sponsored advocacy gives you (MPP)…chaperones watching behind 1-way mirrors to make sure you’re smoking corporate cannabis! Private social clubs are the way to go IMO, Summit Lounge here in Worcester is awesome, no one is watching and you can have beer!

People could not bring their own marijuana to a consumption area. Stores with onsite use would have to have a smoke-free place for employees to monitor the consumption area.


Well, I have a sneaking suspicion that if this couple were to have been caught with evil cannabis in their possession in Florida, they would be in even more trouble.
Sad but true.

I like the weather in SoFla though!


The writer is, quite obviously, trying way too hard to make his case.
In actuality, he presents a piece palpably desperate to support his own forgone
conclusion (opinion).
Remarkable, because most objective readers will easily see how flailing and sputtering his
argument really is.
Good job.

Here is another loopy piece… from today’s NY Post.

As if Strawberry is a luminous beacon of wisdom regarding cannabis.
I have a hunch that Darryl used tobacco and booze before his dire encounter with evil weed.

So ganja was his gateway to ruination and despair?


New York needs a serious debate before legalizing marijuana

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Tommy Chong says Canada’s weed legalization has kept ‘underground market alive’


Everything in that article just screams of desperation and trying to hold onto failed policies.

“I started with marijuana when I was young — 14, 15 years old — and it led me to everything else.” That is, to the cocaine abuse and other woes that ended his career and marred his life.

Hm, maybe we can stop blaming a non-addictive, non-toxic plant for addictive personalities, lack of self discipline, emotional problems and psychological problems. Take some fucking responsibility for yourself man.

“Gateway drug” arguments are such bullshit, and I can’t believe it’s still perpetuated today. Yeah, no shit someone who is looking to abuse substances is going to go to cannabis first. But if they didn’t, they’d STILL ABUSE OTHER SUBSTANCES. How about instead of blaming a PLANT on your problems, you man up and admit you were gunning for some form of escapism, Darryl. It’s like saying women are gateways to domestic violence, or money is a gateway to stealing.

And Colorado last year actually saw a drop in its tax take from marijuana. Don’t go spending that revenue until it actually comes in.

This is a mind bender… You’d think the anti-cannabis author would be jumping up and down for joy that the novelty wore off a little and people aren’t smoking as much.


Experts? Hah!

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In the past week or so there have been numerous articles and opinion pieces, all of which
were anti cannabis.
Also, all of them are riddled with absurdities.
I think not.


Well I just saw this in USA Today.
A more subtle, oblique approach…but an anti ganja diatribe as well.

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