Looking for some autos šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹

hello good evening I did not understand what you said if you can explain yourself better thanks

Scusate, that means barely anything: LMFAO (an initialism for Laughing My Freaking Ass Off), 10 ch means 10 characters, thereā€™s a rule here that each post must have at least 20 characters so those 10 completes it.

Are you going to grow those autos indoor? :sunglasses:

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I didnā€™t mean to be rude earlier by not responding. New phone and canā€™t figure out the copy to translate feature.


yes i wanted to grow 3 auto indoor strains and 1 femm, i wanted to know if someone can donate strain just paying me the shipping costs thank you all and sorry for not speaking english

Non so se creare un thread e chiedere semi automatici sia il modo migliore per raggiungere il tuo obiettivo. forse guarda le offerte gratuite nella sezione trading. ti sei appena presentato 3 giorni fa e il tuo unico thread ĆØ questo. Buona fortuna, ovviamente.

Trovo che sia un po 'strano, almeno a mio parere.

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@SaintAliasKnife ciaoo listen I did not ask for free seeds but paying if a woman is different then 1 then point number 2 I signed up many years ago but then the site was closed and I no longer have that email then point 3 not unique but I also a diary about my cultivation as well as talking to many users then explain to me whatā€™s strange do you think I want to resell them ahahha you know that from america to italy only shipping and 30 dollars and according to you I should resell them hahaa you make me laugh informed before bullshit that is my only post because it is not so dear good day cazzaro

@SaintAliasKnife sorry if I make some mistakes but I am Italian and moreover I questioned myself here being only Italian ā€¦ then I donā€™t know if you know but in Italy it is a problem to order online because it is illegal and there are only a few banks in the seed for this I asked you if it is wrong for you I apologize but I do everything in good faith and then I specified that if I am given a seed or a genetics I will grow it and share the cultivation above with you so what to hide ? mha

I can move your grow diary, Internatinal is a section not really visited. No need to have a discussion about what impression you made in some members, just stick around and contribute, I was gifted with many seeds and can share them with you, Spain is pretty near from you ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull

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hey man, I dunno where I hurt your feelings there but lets hold up. Iā€™m sure that diatribe made sense to you but Iā€™m just not grepping you.so lets try again

you thread is titles: ā€œCerco semi autofiorenti gratisā€ that means youā€™re searching for free seeds. verbatim.

a new member asking for handouts WILL raise an eyebrow. Maybe stick around a bit, participate more, look into the freebie threadsā€¦that all I said.

ā€œcazzaroā€ā€¦wowā€¦ma come siamo gentili, no?
I resent you calling me names. it is childish.

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@George yes of course you can move it because if you say it to me it means that it is better anyway explain to me who is soain? thank you that you are always kind I would like to stay in your family of farmers but maybe someone bothers that Iā€™m Italian. think you ota I would also like to tame for og on patreon at least 1 dollar a month this I can now

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are you ok?
you seem to change personalities thereā€¦one post a fire breather calling me a ā€œcazzaroā€ another post strating with ā€œsorryā€ and ā€œI appologiseā€ā€¦

I donā€™t know what to believe, man! also, you being from ā€œinsert countryā€ means nothing on the internet. Iā€™m 14 ferrets in a trenchcoat.

I wrote you in your language because I speak it. e le parolacchie, le so. usarle, e un altra cosa.


I donā€™t want to question you brother, imagine, cazzaro means donā€™t tell lies because you told me that I have not posted any discussion and nothing I just wanted to know even paying how to receive particular or exotic strains @SaintAliasKnife

Ho chiesto scusa se a te e ad altri membri ho dato questa impressione sbagliata ma sei un cazzaro perchĆØ sei tu che non vedi sul sito visto che ho un diario e ke sto ogni giorno a leggere e rileggere x imparare

cazzaro is a vulgar term for idiot. youā€™re insisting on calling me names because I didnt see your other one thread. cool.

sei veramente un gentilumo. ti augoro buona fortuna. Iā€™m done here.

Chill please.


Cazzaro non e idiota ma uno che dice cazzate cose non vere comunque buona giornata. E non volevo offenderti assolutamente xrĆ² prima mi accusi che ti sembra strano poi mi dici che non ho nemmeno un thread ecco perchĆØ vabbĆØ non ĆØ successo niente di grave era solo per dirtelo e fartelo capire

yeah, Iā€™m not gonna argue translations with you. I know what it is. whatever you want to tell yourself, is fine by me.

best of luck with all your endeavors, if you need it.

Iā€™m done with this.

I have moved your grow diary so you can share it with all, keep us posted ā€¦ :sunglasses:


thank you very kind @George lways available


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