Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

have not looked busy building greenhouse and moving plants outside, will check later and let you know

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Same, been here 30 years. I have three types now :slight_smile:

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Has anyone on here heard of a Zombie Virus strain that is CBD leaning from Lineage Genetics?

I was gifted some seeds from @Eagles009 that are tagged as such but I canā€™t find where they did. Of course thereā€™s the very potent THC strain (which, obviously, wouldnā€™t be bad. lol).
Anyway, have you all heard that they produced a CBD version?

I have been seeing a professional, an MD, pain specialist in cervical neck injury, Epidural Injections have helped and the drug Cymbalta has helped considerably with the nerve pain down the shoulder and into fingers getting tingly and numb. Actual in the neck pain, where the injured disc is located is also positively affected thru the half life of cymbalta which is drug created to treat depression, it has the side effect of helping with the neck. By the way I injured myself falling on ice 2 1/2 years ago, landed on butt had whiplash, its been a long way back but continuing to improve, I fished hard for 2 straight days last week, we got multiple big pike, I fought and landed a 40" heavy Pike 20llb+ something not even thinkable two years ago. I just keep doing stuff and not giving up. I do love my cannabis and can see the benefit of the heavy THC along with CBD for evening couch time and relaxing the neck I am not convinced of any direct pain relief.


When i say pain relief, i mean makes it tollerable , lessens the pain. Pain never goes away, but her balm helps a whole lot.

Forgot what it was, a stoner, but 7 years ago paid 8K for some injection that was suppose to give me relief. Lasted 3 days was waste of my $$$$$$


Try eating CBD, probably oil would be best. CBD works up the spine. Tumeric with black pepper helps many with back issues combined with CBD, some use a combo and IMO that is best, CBD with THC. Adding in a topical, it takes the edge off, so a real combo of things is needed. There are a few pharma meds that work on nerve pain, but two I will not use because it messes up your brain synapses, and never recommend them. Cymbalta does work well for nerve pain.


as coffee can contribute to tremors try the opposite of coffee like Valerian root.
low blood sugar may trigger tremor and/or increase its severity.
Marijuana makes some people more sensitive to insulin and can make a low or high blood sugar feel more severe. The sensations that come with consuming marijuana can sometimes feel similar to low blood sugar.
Tremors can be normal. They donā€™t always interfere with your daily life or even require treatment.
They can also be other more serious things. I found some good basic info.
and personally I would check my blood sugar, avoid weed that inspired paranoia and meditate in some sunshine until I am still and relaxed. That link. Tremors: Causes, Classifications, Types, Treatment, and More

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Question for anyone :slight_smile:

What can be a cause of really weak stems in veg? Srsly like not even fan leaves can stay up. And this is veg (Iā€™m thinking root rot ? But the bottom of the stem looks fine, even sturdy)


Could it be lack of calcium!? It gives stem rigidity!! I believe!


That would have been my thought @Abbbian but itā€™s in veg. Calcium problems donā€™t, normally, manifest until flowering. Or am I mistaken again?


i feed tap + a bit of cal/mag and my medium has gypsum. so i shouldnt be short on calcium department. but its the only reason i know of too.

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Buy a bottle of silica strengthens the cell walls and improves nutrient uptake . Add a more forceful fan also helps.


Some of you guys probably laughed when I said my favorite little island, Utila had a firetruck that was a Fuso w/ flat tires. And that fires were put out old-school style with the bucket brigades.

Well, this came across my FB feed this morning. Evidently they got tired of the bucket brigade, fixed the truck and are assembling a volunteer FD on the island.

THIS is THE firetruck! (glad to see it no longer has 4 flat tires)


Whatever gets the job done! Iā€™d like to have a small rig like that. That would work great for keeping fire back from the house (it got close about 15 years back) or even taking water out to the back field when the stock pond dries up or if the well pump shells out on me again.
Iā€™m glad your community has a little more safety and security.

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It was an eye opener participating in a bucket brigade during my time on the rock. And then to see that truck, 4 flat tires, behind a chained fence, and being told it ā€œwas the only fire truck on the islandā€ (mind you, its probably one of the now maybe half dozen vehicles on the island that isnt a scooter, golf cart or tuktuk)ā€¦

The fire I helped put out was close enough a bucket brigade with 200 people working it. There have since been 2 or 3 house fires, further from the shoreline in the past couple years, total losses with no way to fight them, so this is a HUGE step forward for them :smiley:


Thank you very much for that.
I was looking for a good recipe and there it wasā€¦very nice!
Thanks again

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Some plants are just like that.

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no problem man enjoy Iā€™ve made thousands with that recipe :fire: :peace_symbol:

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its a couple posts youve mentioned honduras. havent been there in 15 years prob or more.
never went past la ceiba either, i heard roatan and other islands were beautiful.

Thank you, i believe it ended up being light intensity issues. I crammed a lot of plants due to space issues and maybe some were not getting enough light/air circulation. I separated some and up the light intensity and today seem much better. hopefully this doesnt affect them in flowerā€¦

thank you all!


Iā€™ve never been to Roatan only to utila. The third Bay Island is much smaller and called Guanaja. I spent four and a half months in total on the island of Utila over the course of three different trips. Earned my rescue diver there. Then I returned to do Dive Master and Open Water scuba instructor. Absolutely loved my time on the island. It is third world living and super minimal in terms of access to just about anything but to be totally honest I really didnā€™t miss a thing. I would honestly consider that some of the happiest times of my life. I would love to return and stay permanently but youā€™ll never earn more than enough to live hand to mouth you certainly will never save a dime. I guess thatā€™s the cost of paradise:-) but I will return just a little nervous to honestly see the so-called improvements to the island like the road to the north side being paved or houses where there used to be a bluff and a great ocean view. Development does suck.

The ironic part here is you got to La Ceiba. Thatā€™s like 90% of the way there. All you needed to do at that time was get on the vomit comet and take the ferry across. I highly suggest a visit to utila at least once in your life. The ferry these days is called the utila dream and is much bigger.