Cheap LED Strips : A Viable Alternative

I would like to go the Diy route on my next light. Im running 2 240w quantum boards (meijiu) but aren’t working very well or as bright as they should so i know i need to replace these sooner than not.

I would like to set up a well put together bar light set up for my 3x3 and demote these QB to a starter veg tent.

@Mr.Sparkle would you have some suggestions for this?? Thanks for the thread. I always thought there was a diy option vs pre assembled high cost

my question would be more whats not working with the current setup as that should be more than enough light for your space even with older diodes, also one can get the prebuilt stuff now adays pretty comparable to going the diy route.

But first question first :wink: , ill swing by your grow thread in the mean time.


@Mr.Sparkle, on each board at different times each panel has been brighter then the other side about twice as bright. The boards are not wired together so its a similar issue. I have them bother running off the pluggin box each with their own plug in.

I was under the impression that each receptical box could handle the load requirement. My house is 12 yrs old so everythingbis updated and new
Heres a couple pictures to show what i mean.

First picture shows the issue im talking about and at the tike i took this i noticed a row of red chips on both panels is out in the first photo is didnt matter if pot was turned up full or dim the row stayed off. On the other board it stayed extinguished at anything except full power on the pot.

In the 1st picture as well the light got slightly brighter at the 90% of the pot knob but still stayed relatively bim when compared to the 3rd photo. Both are 301b led chip boards.


First likely that red row is all in series and one dioded failed taking out the entire row, if you find which one that is “multimeter checking for open resistances on each diode” one can short the diode and bring those other diodes minus one back to operation.

Second just looking at it the only reason that second panel could/should be dimmer is if there is a faulty/flakey wire connection between the two boards which you should check on, but yeah it just looks like power is coming in on one side and the two boards are in parallel to each other but using there on board power headers to connect instead of two dedicated pairs of power leads, or splitting the positive and negative connections to either board to equalize it a bit better.

Now that is all fine except if one board fails or in your case goes dim then the remaining panel gets all that remaining energy and if designed like they typically are that can overdrive the already over-driven diodes to the point of failure aka your red strip, and with that gone the first panel will have a slightly lower resistance making them unbalance and then power flow favouring the faulty board more so.

Performance wise you should be more than good enough especially with 301b diodes, you just likely have a just touching connection “faulty” that is causing that second panel to be dim which im guess on both its always that second panel from the power leads from the driver.

Oh and your lights can easily run off one receptacle, most house circuits which usually link multiple outlets along a wall or included your rooms light can handle up to 15a which on the "safer side is about 1500w, so you have no need to run them on different receptacles unless say you have a microwave of big ac unit also connected to the same outlet


Thanks for the reply!! When i get home I’ll remove each light and pull it all apart and and reassemble the light while inspecting the all connections and wire locations for human errors (mystalling) :slight_smile:

After this I’ll grab my multimeter and have to learn how to set it for testing for resistance so i can test the individual diodes to find the faulty 1.

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Arrow has some good offers, it is a shame that there is no EU distributor or the ones that exist doesn’t have this offers.

By example HBG-160-60A in arrow 1$ in spain 65€… yuhuuuuuu


I cleaned up yesterday got 5 meanwell drivers 4, 240 watt and 1, 65 watt for $22.35

At that price it might be worth having it shipped if you bought several that is


Honestly not that i need a new driver for what im thinking but i am currently browsing for those prices

As even if i said the prebuilt stuff is getting down to almost full diy price level at these cheap driver prices if you find one that will work for you its still a “cheap” option to go diy

Currently a bunch of ELG , HLG and HBG XBG options