Cheap LED Strips : A Viable Alternative

Thanks my Canadien Brother, as soon as cash flow allows I’m getting on it…:metal::sunglasses::beer:

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the bridgelux’s are available again fyi


Also @Gpaw the seoul strips are 540ma nominal, 840ma max…

so say you went with an hlg driver the 42 series adjustable voltage range is too high in this case at 39 ~ 45V , so a 36 would be more suited.

Also cause of the 540ma nominal you be wanting to run more strips, 12 in fact off of a 240… but if the bridgeluxes are available that the better route @Instg8ter as they are a better light for the dollar


Good catch, you are right! (I was tired…) :flushed:
Those strips looked better when comparing max instead of nominal wattage :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But I am seeing 21V to 42V for the constant current region for the HLG-240H-42 spec. so that 36V should be good.
Dropping the current back to 540mA (still can’t believe I missed that) means the driver can be downsized to HLG -150H

Sorry @Instg8ter, bad info. (I was planning on rechecking my numbers this morning)



600+ replies! Wow i am overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. I used a cheap Amazon grow light and had ordered a 2nd and it was lost in transit and I was refunded. I am thinking maybe i should take that $100 and throw a few more bucks with it and build something that’s perfect for my 2x4 tent, problem is i don’t know where to start and would like to order Canadian and avoid exchange rate and all that because budget can get expensive fast. I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction i have absolutely no clue where to start and know i am not completely stupid so i feel i can do it, 600 posts is alot to dig through and as i said I don’t wanna get raped with fees and exchange.


one sec ill get a part list for you



Two options, and it just comes down to the driver, well there are more options that this but you know anyways.

First is barebones, and all you need for a 2x4, you can and will probably adjust output of the light by the Io screw on the driver, downside is its on the bottom of the driver so unless its mounted in a way where you have access to it easily where say a hole is drilled hole on a wall or mounted to your fixture with accessibility, your gonna have to remove it off a wall to adjust it which just takes a single screw depending on how you mount it

Second is using the AB series drivers, this allows the option to have an external dimmer which you could place wherever you want by extending the dimmer leads that come on this driver, the cart below has two poteniometers, only one is needed but a backup is good to have.

Techincally you can run 17 strips on either of those two xlg-240 drivers but i put 16 in the cart as it evens it out a bit better and you can always turn up that Io screw a little “measuring it of course” to get that full 240w from the driver, and keep it running in its performance region listed int he spec sheets.

But yeah they will do decently, and those links are to the site that as canadians works for us, and shipping is $8 and depending on where you are usually only takes a couple of days to get to you, then its just frame materials and wire “18-24awg” obviously thick being better.


@Mr.Sparkle thank you i appreciate it I’ve been looking off and on and had no idea where to begin this is what i needed. :metal:

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Also based on whats in the cart do i need 1 driver and 16 strips or 2 drivers and 32 strips for 2x4 space? Sorry but i am really clueless when it comes to this lighting stuff.

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1 driver and 16 strips, may be because you looked at both carts that it added them together, but yeah xlg-240-l-a if you dont want an external dimmer, the xlg-240-l-ab if you do


Thanks. So $200 ish is gonna give me a real decent light for my 2x4 space? I should have asked for help long ago. Will i need a plug and little stuff like that or does it come with the driver? I’ll pretty much need something to mount it all to and some wiring?


You will need a NEMA 5-15 connector (can buy them at digikey or any hardware store) to put on the AC end (or use a scrapped extension cord), some 18-22awg hook up wire to wire the strips together, a couple wire nuts, and a plan for mounting all the strips to something.


Make sure the wire is single core, that you use to connect the strips together.

If you go further back in the thread you will see different build frame options.


As Mr S said

@Mr.Sparkle what’s your suggestion? Metal supermarket for aluminum angle?



I just registered at I am going to order soon, anything i can get in that 1 order is better, i already have a few nema 5-15 power cords so that is covered, the mounting frame is where i am stuck been scrolling back and searching for easy idea’s, would a flat aluminum street sign work if i cut to whatever size I’ll need?


Found the answer for you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:joy: thanks! I been scrolling through i did not see that. Someday I will be better at navigating and searching forums i can hope.


Came across this looking for ideas has alot of description as well as pictures makes things more understandable for someone like me.


I’m looking to make the same fixture as rob078. Now I have the parts list, and can whip this thing up!
I have a couple of questions though.
Are these strips completely dimmable? If I can bring the lights down to “12 or less off the canopy, it allows me some important headroom.

If I use the Seoul semiconductor strips from futureelectronics it saves money, and it looks like the mean well driver is cheaper as well.
Is there any reason to not go this route?


Seems like the best choice for the money. I’m ordering before the end of the night just waiting to make sure i don’t need to add anything else, I’m reading this whole thread start to finish just taking a break to browse right now.