CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

Looks good. It seems like you did double work though for no gain? You could have just made two totes and put the lids on the bottom underneath the totes that you out holes in?

I always thought the only reason to have multiple totes was to be able to easily move worms from one “tray/tote,” to the next so you can use all of the castings left behind.

Just wondering why you did it like that


I believe the idea is to be able to collect the juice, correct me if I’m wrong Crunch…


Yah, here’s an example of collecting juice but only one tote like I was thinking. About minute 5:00 on the clip

Edit: 5:50 sorry


Hey bud, I can’t really envision what you are describing. Are you talking about like a tower system, like a Can-O-Worms or something?

Edit. Watched the video. Thanks! I really just did it this way to collect the lechate and have maximum aeration underneath the medium and worms. My can of worms system is pretty much the same design.


I posted, maybe while you were posting ^


Thanks for weighing in. :slight_smile: I think you must be talking about the Earthbox Jr. The regular Earthbox definitely holds more than 7 gallons of soil, but I’m not sure if it holds 14-15gal (2cuft).

On the other hand, I just measured the capacity of a City Pickers (via 5gal bucket) and it holds 2cuft (3 buckets full) and possibly a little more if you mound it. And 4 fit perfectly into a 4x4 tent! Just wish their water rez was bigger…


No, I am definitely referring to the original earthbox. I vividly remember when I used them previously, I had purchased two bags of buildasoil 3.0. Then only one bag fit in it and I was stuck with an extra bag. Maybe if you really pack it in, You can get a little bit more in there with a massive mound in the middle. But it holds about one cubic foot of soil. I am using the earthbox juniors now currently, and it took half of a bag of buildasoil 3.0.


Concur… I fit one bag of light in mine but heavily amended with my EWC and some black gold I had on hand, so a little over 1cf


I just filled two EB with about 10 gallons each, so closer to 1.5 cubic foot.


I just got off the horn with the Earthbox company and the helpful representative said it has a max capacity of 2cu ft. So that’s an OG EB mounded past the brim of the planter. Go-Go gadget brain!


Transplanted the SSDD F2 Bx1 from @HolyAngel into an EB and added another lasagna layer. Topwatered in 1/2 gallon of LABS, coconut, silica and tm-7.


Perk up little girl, you have the whole world waiting for you :slight_smile:


I kinda wish I had grabbed that Vale Tudo off you also. She looks so lonely in the 3x3.


:frowning: she has found her new home already

There are nodes ready for cloning off the ST?


It’s all good! I new she was already promised and I didn’t want to break any hearts. Thanks again for this! I’m super excited to finally run SSDD!


Yeah that’s what I mean , if you really pack it and mound it you can add more. I like to leave room for when I amend for flower and add compost 2-3 times.


So as I was putting up my screen the other day I broke the main top stem. I put an aloe bandaid around it and have since removed and added a brace. My question is: Should I just top it or see if the stem will heal itself?


Personally I’d just top it and divert that energy to the new nodes instead of spending the energy healing. My 2c


Did it break off completely or just crack? If it’s just a crack, I usually tape em and they heal 100% in a couple days. If it broke off completely, less chance of a full recovery but still will likely be OK after awhile. In either case, the auxins cease production at that growth tip and move to others, so it’s the same hormonal effect as topping.

On the topic of Earthboxes, sounds like they’re lying about their specs. I wonder why people like them so much compared to cheaper off the shelf SIPs options available at big box stores? Is it just like pretty much everything else: hype = sales? Like cookies crosses? Or HLG lights? :zipper_mouth_face: lol



A lot of it I think, yeah. The concept is the concept and the technique works regardless of brand. I will say though the EarthBox is the highest quality and better design than the other mass produced options I have seen. More durable and will last much longer