Enlightened's 3D Adventures 👹

:raising_hand_woman:welcome to og @Tenga! Can you let us know about you grow experience and what not. Photos of what you got going on the appreciated too.


i moved my post that used to be here, over to my new journal, Cannabis of the GOTU, so as not to clutter up Oreo’s journal!


Tag me into your journal when, you get it fired up :rofl: :joy: :+1:t4: :v:t4:


As always, my thread is open to all @Tenga, I haven’t been posting much,
as I’ve been struggling to keep my babies alive, it’s been a rough start :man_facepalming:
Great to see you on OG GOTU :green_heart:


Waaaaay overdue, life has been hectic…

It has been a painstaking effort to get them this far, the only reason I have persevered is to document for everyone’s benefit…
It would have been quicker to start over, in fact I’m contemplating playing catch up with these…

Huge thanks to @Sebring & @nube

It appears I have 2 different
pheno’s of CB

And the little plant that thought she could, Nemo Haze

Check out the structure, she’s TIGHT!

Good vibes, keep it green

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


Awww nutz… CB has been culled,
as I don’t have anywhere to grow out a male…

Mango Haze, Gorilla Glue then AOG

Autopots are assembled and working

Very impressed with SBR, she is a hardy grower and has the most intriguing smell, can’t put my finger on it. Planning on taking some clones this week,
as time permits.

Good vibes, keep it green

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


Sucks about the unwanted male, brother. Other than that, Outmotherfuckingstanding :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Looking good brother keep up the good work​:+1::+1::v:

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Finally had some spare time to cut some clones, I have taken 2 Mango Haze and
4 Sugar Black Rose

My cloning technique;
Aloe Vera and peat pellets.

Darkness descends, for 24hrs…

Settling into their new digs nicely

Decided to get a 4x4 flood tray for the Autopots, better safe than sorry, water and electricity makes me nervous :laughing:

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


Looking good brother, I’ll be taking some clones here shortly myself. Doing A little pheno hunt for a seed run for my buddy. Couldn’t pass up the free starts. :+1::+1::v:

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Thanks brother @BIGJ,
Good luck with your pheno hunt,
Freebies are the best kind :smiley: :v:

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Belt AND suspenders!
:sunglasses: :+1:



Clones are slowly coming to life,
both mango haze have rooted and 2 of the 4 SBR also. The SBR took a full week longer to shoot, hopefully the other 2 come to life :crossed_fingers:

Here’s one for the books…
No seeds have been planted in these clone cups, just reused soil from non combatants, a month ago…
(seeds that did not germinate)
I’m guessing it’s Pura Vida…

In the big room things are progressing nicely.

And their big sisters…

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


Outmotherfuckingstanding :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Looks great brother. :+1:

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Things are progressing steadily,
2 of the large girls have developed a slight def, I guess that’s the risk I ran trying to feed 3 different strains from the same mix, I have adjusted accordingly and should see an improvement within a week or 2 :crossed_fingers:

Vegglings first…

The ladies…

Group shot

Good vibes, keep it green

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


Plants are looking pretty good brother, that AOG1 looks to have a nice structure to it. looks solid and dense. Keep up the good work :+1::+1::v:

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Thanks bro, the AOG’s definitely have a beautiful bonsai/indica look to their structure, CB has the usual lanky, leggy, sativa frame and SBR stalled out, cause I wasn’t feeding her enough, but I’m happy with the progress considering I have barely done any work in the Growzone and let them do their thing :v:


SB🌹 is notoriously hard to clone,
but I see life in all 4 clones…
Insert happy dance here… x :man_dancing:

The Mango Haze was super easy.

In the other section…

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


The dreaded Outlaws are staying for a week, so I can’t spend any time with my girls for training or watering,
thank the Grow Gods for autopots :evergreen_tree:

The babies have found their legs

In the flower room it’s almost flip o’clock

Good vibes, keep it green

:v::green_heart: :smiley: