Curse of the hulk

So this is my grow room space. Just thought I’d share it with you guys.


Something is wrong with my moby dick I believe. I was thinking root rot maybe? What do you guys think?


Do you have a picture of it in natural light? It’ll make it easier to tell, but it seems like it’s clawing. Too much nitrogen can cause that. pH and overwatering also can do the same.

How’s the Bottom of the pot feel? Watering schedule?

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Yeah I suport that. That last photo from three days ago looks good. What did you changed in those three days? Did you water them before photo? Happend to me the same thing because I watered my plaants too much with lower pH then they were use to…


I didn’t change anything. I watered today with notes. I’m using week 4 still. I haven’t added the bloom yet. I’ll turn off the lights hold up.

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Or is it over watering?


My schedule is nutes 2 times a week. I water in between adding nutes maybe once. I kinda just go but how dry they are.

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Really dark green color. I would lower nutrients And let them dry. pH Is ok? You should water with 6,5. Watch out for your nutes because they lower the pH a lot sometimes. Do you check the pH?


@Fisch… Yeah I checked the ph. It was fine but I’ll cut back some.

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Ok. I would lower the EC And watering And should be ok :blush:


Ok thanks. I’ll give that a try. @Fisch

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I second that motion. They just need some TLC and LITFA. They’ll be back to normal in no time


She’s starting to look a little better. Here’s a new pic.


I hope everyone is having a great day. Smoke and grow on OGers!


Just give them some more time. Once they’re back to life it may be good to let them dry out a bit more before you water again in case any root rot happened. It should let the plant prune off it’s dead roots so to speak. It’s not that exactly, but you get the idea. If the roots can recover should they have a bit of a strategic drought to help with that.:slightly_smiling_face:


@OniTenshu ok I will do. Thanks for the advice.


You’re welcome!:slightly_smiling_face: I had to learn that lesson the hard way my last grow and this one too to let it sink in​:rofl::man_facepalming:t2:

Here’s my original soil for reference:

The soil I used(after permafrost claimed a lot of the clay) feels extremely loamy once pearlite was mixed in. Lots of little sand particles visible mixed in too. Dries out very quickly. In just 12 hours the soil I mixed up went from this:

To this:

Almost no residue on my hands and I put them down to the wrist in the soil and grabbed a good amount of it before letting it soil out of my hands back into the pot.

The only reason my plants pull through what I did to them was because of the high silt content. It has a lot of mycorrhizae in it, so the plants get some help there too.

:man_facepalming:t2: Oh yes if the plants have started to droop from underwatering that’s the time to water. I prefer to water first thing in the morning after, but if they look almost dead I wouldn’t risk it and I’d give them water before they fall over.


I hope this doesn’t sounds dumb, but where can I purchase LIFTA? From what I heard, it’s some a God send.


First bottle is on me! :grin: