FREE Seed Tuesdays (USA/CAN ONLY)

dunno but figured WTH ill jump on the wagon

He’s got a new one-month-old daughter, guys. Chill. He’ll tell us when he’s giving away seeds again. :slight_smile:


Ah thanks for the info, I didn’t see that

right on congradulations min e is 14 dont know what i was thinking oh yeah her mom is/was hott as hell :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


??? I guess it’s all opinion really. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Anyone have any monochrome rain they don’t want? :wink:

First he’ll tell us when he’s able to sleep…THEN he’ll tell us when he’s giving seeds away.


Nuglife is probably big busy living the dad life right now… but in the spirit of Tuesdays, Christmas, and keeping the beans moving there are still slots available of his BamBam that I made F2s of… US only sorry friends to the north.


im sure she is still hott but someone elses problem now…lol but i have full custody :grinning:

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Yeah super generous of you, and an interesting strain too!

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You taking “Dibs Request” on those? If so, “D-I-B-S”!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Go add yourself on the Wiki @misterbee ! it’s in the link! I believe there were still 10 slots available

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Seeds on the way Enjoy.

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Hope that it’s okay that I added myself to the last spot on your 25 days of Christmas giveaway thanks @Rhai88 for doing this it’s just what it’s all about this time of the year! And those Bam Bam plants are great looking and I just read through the grow and show thanks


100%! Glad you got in! I really liked that pair of plants super healthy and easy to grow. Not a single issue.

Now that the last slot is filled I will get everyone’s addresses after im off work today and get those sent out within the next couple of days!


WOW ! can’t believe it —Thanks @olschool

Hey all, how about we move this over to @Rhai88’s wiki post and stop filling @NugLifeFarms420’s thread. I am sure he will fire up his thread when he is ready if he is up to continuing his Tuesday efforts.


Dibs, don’t know if I did this right it’s only like the second time I’ve tried to do this not sure if I did it wrong I apologize happy growing everyone


You have to wait until @NugLifeFarms420 comes on and invites people to call dibs…they are very busy with new baby though so seeds are waaaay down the list.


Greetings to ALL!
Hope every one has gotten their new year off to a great start!

As some may know, we were blessed with the birth of our 2nd daughter back in November. At that time I decided to shut the giveaways down and go silent for a bit.

Well… I’m back

I’d like to give out the remaining packs from the previous hybrids I created over the next few weeks to make way for some new hybrids

Would any one be interested in a giveaway this Saturday???


Sure would be…
Dibs dibs dibs my friend :+1::+1::+1::+1: