FREE Seed Tuesdays (USA/CAN ONLY)

#1. MACademia Donut Milk
#2. Hoosiers Of The Carribean
#3. Runtz Aground (AKA High and Dry)



I believe most are sleeping, as I should be, lol.
I’m sure you’ll get a flood of inputs soon! :wink:

Edit: Ok, I’m really going to bed. To late for my brain to think up some more. Hehe, I just wanted to watch. :smiley:

You stay classy San Diego!:rofl:

  1. Jelly dougnut breath
    2.Indiana doughtnuts and milk
  2. Tiny pirate crasher
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1 Jelly Rogers Breath
2 Jelly Rogers Gum
3 Jelly Rogers Candy

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ARRRguably Sour

I like this one :laughing: :rofl:

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1.) MACbama Breath
2.)Indiana Pirate Jelly
3.)Pirate Jelly Runtz

Buccaneer Holes

Sticky Cannon Balls

Ship Wrecked

Thanks for the chance @NugLifeFarms420


So many good names already! I’m a little jelly :wink::joy:

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  1. Pirate swordz
  2. Indianas hidden treasure
  3. Runtz n munch.
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  1. Blackbeards Lung
  1. Jelly Rogers Chew
  1. Swashbucklers Cruntz

Mendo Macs pírate breakfast, blackbeards swashbuckling chew , lol. :+1::+1::v:

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  1. School lunch program.
  2. Bubble doughboy.
  3. Idk lol

#1 GlazedRumbreath
#2 BubbleRum
#3 RumRuntz

#1 Piracy
#2 Indian Pirate
#3 jelly Corsair


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I must not be high enough I’ve got nothing

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1.) (MAC F2 x Mendo Breath F3) x (Jelly Donut x Pirate’s Milk)
Mendo Booty

2.) Indiana Bubblegum x (Jelly Donut x Pirate’s Milk)

3.) Crasher Runtz x (Jelly Donut x Pirate’s Milk)
Party Crasher

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  1. Captain Obama Cut
  2. Captain Candy
  3. Shipwrecked Sailor

1.) McPirate Jelly Breath
2.) Indiana donuts and milk
3.)Runty Pirate

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#1 Pirate’s Breath
#2 Bubblegum Booty
#3 Lil Sugar Crash