FREE Seed Tuesdays (USA/CAN ONLY)

Glad I am not on that July list as it’s sooooo far away! :flushed::joy::joy::joy::peace_symbol:

Looks like @NugLifeFarms420 is gonna take a few weeks off. :slight_smile:

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Send me a message @McShnutz, I can help find a Friend or two for the ChocoLato while you do Time


That’s very kind, thank you :blush: :pray:

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Are you growing in a tent outside on top of soil
If not what medium (soil coco, etc) is the tent setting on?
Just curious

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All indoor, concrete floor. I’ve been making my substrate for many years now. I prefer a dominance of coco and very little peat. I go heavy on the humus and moderate with compost. Ammendments are basic OMRI stuff. I have plans on a living mulch but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
I make the majority of my liquid nutrients using KNF and JADAM teks, but rarely need them.
The 4x8 bed is irrigated with blumat Maxi and a double ended blusoak manifold. Everything is powered by a 350gpd RoDi with pump and 2 gallon accumulator tank.


OK so is the grow tent set on top of the substrate container or on floor around it?
Trying to grasp the concept.

Inside tent on floor. I use to have plastic pallets under the bed to raise it up but I have found my hydrostatic pressure is more consistent without the pallets


Nice Job
Have you tested this as far as growing before or is this the maiden run?
Curious as to how often you run you watering system?

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Are you using a controller to adjust the hydrostatic pressure and frequency of waterings?

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Oh yes, this bed has been my main for about 4 yrs now and every year just keeps getting better. Organic coco is weird like that, with age comes beauty.

The irrigation cycles happen based off of the blumat Maxi sensor and these can be increased or decreased based on what reading the tensiometer is giving. I’ve found that the ideal pressure for cannabis is about 100 MBar.

The water purification unit is an on demand system and activates based on what pressure is in the accumulator tank.


In a nutshell, I’m completely automated, all except for the light distance.


One more if I may
How often do you change out your coco coir , peat? Mix?
I use to use coco and perlite mix and I changed it almost always.
A friend would get a few runs out of it.
Thank You for your time.


The coco I’m running dates back 10 yrs. I started with a mixture of pith, chip and strand, but it does decompose so I’ve added back coco but in a different way than most would do. I make compost and the browns come from coco and pine needle/cone and the greens are a variety of bio-accumulators (weeds), bokashi, crustacean meals and grass. I’ll add about 10-20 gallons of finished and aged compost annually to the bed. Nothing special, just dump it right on top and put the cypress mulch back over it.


It is worth stating that I do have to do soil testing every year but the decomposed coco actually adds potassium and phosphorus tends to stay in the soil for quite some time, Nitrogen, Calcium, Sulfur and Magnesium are the ones I add commonly. But with the compost additions, it really only Nitrogen that gets quickly depleted.


Thank You for explaining this
Always looking for easier way to grow weed


Is it because you keep winning everything… hahaha. everything get to ya bro

@McShnutz I can also help your additional friends find more friends if you’d like. PM if you’re still in need. lol



Thanks for staying up late tonight

Tonight there will be 10 packs of Sea Biscuitz up grabs for the next 10 members to reply with “DIBS” AND either :us: or :canada:**

Sea Buscuitz
(Apple Zawtz (F) x (Jelly Donut x Pritates Milk (M)

Each Pack contains 3 regular seeds

For the next 10 members to reply with “DIBS” AND either :us: or :canada:

USA :us: CANADA :canada:Only

(see restricted list to confirm eligibility)

ps… told you all I was back :grin:


Dibs :us:

You popped my dibs cherry, I’ll never forget :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: