Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

I’d imagine
Seems like it bought out a little dyslexia aswell. :rofl:

Munching on cheese too. Fuxk me I love smoked cheddar


Number of letters in the word divided by 420 minus 1

0.9880952380952381 ?


final answer

45 / 420 - 1

methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylalanyl… isoleucine. You’ll notice there’s an ellipsis here, and that’s because this word, in total, is 189,819 letters long, and it’s the chemical name for the largest known protein, titin.


Either your right or Google has failed me :rofl:

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Holy jeebus
Maybe I’m f*cked up…

It’s a matter of debate. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the 45 letter ‘pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis’ is the longest English word. Maybe it’s because including the Titin proteins full-name would use up nearly 100 pages?

But I did specify protein…

oh well. i was way off but at least i gave it a shot. :+1:

A damn nice shot at that.

Wtf, my browser isn’t updating like it usually does

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That seems to be some bull

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Hey you can get this anyones can right now lol, I Gave the parameters and the instructions…

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Damn it those sound awesome!

I wish I knew how to answer this question :joy:

Read up and you will find the answer

189,819 / 45 - 1


i thoughht it was over?


452 ?? idk

Sorry. You have won. It was not over. People I thought were giving up. You got it bud